I have a 2004 Prius with a 6-CD changer and the DVD Navigation system. I also just ordered an iPod mini. I held of buying the iTrip FM Transmitter made by Griffin or any other iPod to car accessory because I wasn't sure they'd work. Can the iPod be used in the Prius? I'm not taking apart my dashboard to do it.
So far, *my* ideal solution to use my mini in my Prius hasn't come along. It would allow me to plug the iPod into a holder, and use the steering wheel controls to play it like a big CD. Every current solution manages to fall short of that as far as I can tell, so I'm waiting...
iTrip will almost certainly work since it goes through FM transmission. the downside of this is that iTrip does not work well in areas with lots of radio stations (like the NE) because it requires an empty FM frequency. I personally have never used it--currently, my solution is the cassette adaptor until something like ipod2car works properly with the 6-CD changer stereo.