Last night we went to a party and my wife decided to leave her keys in the car which she does often when we go out to eat or the like. I got out waited for her to close the door and locked the car. I got the beep for a door being open. We tried closing all the doors and the car still wouldn't lock. Wham! Out of the blue the wife says 'I know what's wrong with the car' and grabs her keys out of the top compartment. Voila! Two pts to the wife.
Two points for the wife? Ok. So here's the score: Wife: 2 Prius: 10 Sound unfair? If you've locked your keys in traditional car as many times as I have, you understand. In fact, when I'm showing off Priapus, I set up multiple scenarios with the fob in the car. 1) shut the doors and push the black lock button; he beeps and will not lock 2) lock the doors and then shut them; he beeps and all doors unlock 3) shut the doors and try to lock with the other fob; same as 1
when my wife leave her fob in the car, it can be locked with my fob,as i walk away from the have to walk away,...then it senses that you are leaving and it will, when you return, you will not be able to use the smart entry by touch, you will have to get the fob out and hot the unlock button. or use key...cant use the buttons on doors ...
I did something similar when I picked up my car. I traveled to Helena Montana from Olympia to pick up my car. I stayed the weekend and visited with my son who lives there and found my car. I packed up and put my extra fob in my brief case and put the my bag and brief case in the back of the car. Before I left to drive home my son and I went out for breakfast and to get a few things. I could not lock the door. He I had this brand new car and it was not working. I finally got the manual out to interpret the beeps the car was making. All of a sudden the light bulb went on in my head the extra fob was in the back. I put the extra fob in my other pocket and the problem was fixed. Never thought I would be "debugging" my car! :mrgreen:
w9tby has it right. You can lock the car with the FOB in your hand when you walk away from the car but you have to use the FOB when you come back to unlock it
Sure. I agree, the design is a good one. Not complaining about the design at all. I was more congratulating my wife that she figured it out. I had forgotten that she even put her keys in the compartment. Ok I'm confused on this one. That's the functionality that I want. I walk away from the car and it auto locks. My Prius doesn't do that. john1701a, I believe, said there's a setting that can be changed using the diagnostic tool so the car will auto lock when the FOB is out of range. In a seperate thread, I thought someone reported that the Toy Tech said there was no such setting. I really would like this functionality so if someone can point to to precisely the info I need I'd appreciate it.
I have not tried locking the car with the fob in the cargo bay. I did discover - as I think it's noted in the manual - that you might or might not be able to start the car with the fob in the cargo bay. I threw my keys in my bag and the bag into the cargo. After setting into the driver's seat, I punched (Power) and the security light blinked at me. I had to move the bag into the front seat before it would start. The back seat also works. Just not the cargo. If the Prius can not detect the fob in the cargo bay, I would suppose, though I haven't tried, that you might be able to lock the fob in the car if it's in the cargo bay.
Different sensors. There is a sensor supposed to be in the cargo bay so that you don't lock your fob in the cargo bay. The Smart Start sensor I believe is in the console area. As for auto locking, I mentioned a few times that there is a 30 second passive alarm setting, and am hoping this would also lock the car automatically. Which reminds me, I need to call my dealer to schedule an appointment for oil, tire rotation, 30-second passive, alignment, brake light switch recall, and reprogramming campaign.
Is there an area on PC that lists recalls from Toyota? That would be sweet. I haven't heard aboutthe brake light switch recall and the reprogramming campaign. Can you give me any insight into these? Could you let me know about the 30-second passive and whether it will auto lock the doors once you have it set?