Now that I have a Prius, I don't feel guilty sitting in a drive thru fast-food line anymore, since I don't use any gas during my wait. Of course, there's always the guilt for eating the food, but that's another topic...
. . . or maybe you should feel a little guilty for causing the other lazy bastards behind you to idle their cars longer - until you get out of the way. In the same situation, I think I would do the same thing. My reasoning would more be along the lines of avoiding coming into contact with the unwashed hordes who congregate in them places. Besides the stuff not being good for you ukeright: . . . you do know that stuff kills off the new car smell quicker than a wet Newf, don't ya?
Wanna make the drive-thru really exciting? Along with the money, hand the person at the window a Prius Card like mine and tell them it is hobby you are rather passionate about. The reaction is amazing. They get incredibly excited after peering into the Prius and noticing the digital-speedometer & Multi-Display, then realizing what you just said about "only running on electricity" is actually true. I've had workers just about climb out of that little window for a closer look. I've even had a group run outside. They can't believe the vehicle they've heard so much about is sitting there in their drive-thru. Then I hand them an Info-Sheet and drive away. That very brief encounter makes quite an impression. Perhaps that helps to explain the higher than average concentration of Prius around where I live. Hmm?
It's been my experience, that the counters have no lines at all, while the drive thru line is wrapped around the building. I've quite often had people look at me funny, as I've parked right were they can see me, go in, make my order, and walk back out while they haven't moved in the line. As for the food killing you. Life itself has a 100% mortality rate. :mrgreen:
I sometimes turn the heat off at a drive-thru so the car will stay off. I have never had anyone ask about why my car is "off" or my nav screen or anything, though.