I need some tech advise from those of you who have torn down your dashboards! I plan to install a radio bracket (ham radio) on the lower center dash cover. Below is a photo of my intent. The panel is plastic but feels like solid metal behind the panel. 1) Can anyone tell me what is behind this panel? 2) Is it safe to drill small holes for self thread metal screws to support the bracket? 3) Is a full blown dash removal required to remove this panel? I've search all over for photo instructions on how to remove this part of the dash and have found none! Any info, links, help would be appreciated!
I would also like to know. KC2PMM here, and right now I use a mag mount high gain dual bander hooked up to my older "Blue face" dual band vhf/uhf radio powered from a lighter plug adapter I got at my local Ratshack. I set the radio in the back, on the seat or the floor, and don't mess with it while driving. Oh, I also got a small extension speaker; it fits right in the cup holder fine! I hope you get an answer soon. Guy in WNY
In short, the whole dash needs to come apart to get at that area. There's removal instructions somewhere. I'll see if i can find the link or maybe someone can post it. Basically, you gotta start from the driver side vent trim on near the door and work your way to the middle by pulling pieces off. I've done it enough times to have the whole thing torn apart in less than a minute.
I hope you're not installing an HF rig... too much noise generated by the Prius. When I bought my Prius, I went and got a prius-friendly dual bander and antenna. You might want to peruse this thread.... 73, aka KD5RHR http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-t...installing-ham-radio-side-car-run-wiring.html
I have some pictures posted here from doing my lockpick installation, maybe they will be of help. Picasa Web Albums - Hal - PriusModUltim...
You need to remove two screws on either side of the panel (hidden behind the air vents) then the panel pops out. I would start on the passenger side and work my way over to the driver side. Once you have the glovebox and passenger air vent removed you can see behind this panel. Here's the link to the link to the dash disassembly instructions: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-technical-discussion/34541-dash-disassembly-pdf.html I don't recall if there is a metal panel behind this piece - I think it's just reinforced plastic ribbing. I'd opt for machine screws with a washer - self tapping sheet metal screws will eventually pull out unless you hit a substantial piece of plastic or have a backing.
Wow, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks to all for your info. I now have a good idea how this is done. I'll report back to all you hams on my final install with photos I hope soon! 73 Tom - KN6VV
Halpert2 - Thanks for the great photos! I just need the patience and time now to get the dash apart without beating up my interior! Best wishes.