I just bought my first Prius on 1/24/08. Theres a LOT to learn to get used to the new technology since the newest car I owned before this was a "78" Datsun/Nissan 280Z. I started my search for a seaside pearl touring pkg.6 and went through AAA for a dealer. They found a dealer that was 150 miles from me but the price "out the door" was $29,500.00 which I assume is a good deal, so I went to a local dealer and his price was nowhere near that until I told him I could get a better price. He decided to match it but silver metallic was the only color he could get with the dark gray interior I wanted. So thats what I got and I actually like the silver metallic upon seeing it. Then I evidently made a mistake according to "richard schumacer" (from a post made at priusonline.com), by buying the extended warranty for $1485.00. Anyway, I sure do like the Prius and the mileage is awesome. Hopefully I can get a better deal on the extended warranty. I will take the advice richard schumacer gave and check out what I can do. Heres mine
Wow. You beat me out with your last car being a '75! I thought I had waited a long time to upgrade but.......anyway, for many years there was no car to interest me that much, but I've been watching the Prius for awhile and I'm really happy to have a 'next generation' type car.
Yeah, I am on disability retirement and I just got tired of working on my cars after all these years. My 1/2 brother and his wife came out last year in thier 2002 Prius and I was really impressed with it, sooooo I decided to take the leap. I'm really amazed at how far they have come with this hybrid (especially if we hit $4.00 a gallon).
$4.00/gallon in California is going to be hit somewhere by the time Memorial Day 2008 rolls around, regardless of whether there is a recession. It is just my opinion, but as something of a gadget nut, the Prius is the consummate 'gadget'. Welcome aboard and good luck with your new Prius. There is a ton of information in PC that can add to your enjoyment of the Prius.
Here in Victoria the cost of gas is 1.079 per litre which I think converts to close to $4.50 per gallon. Our dollars are close enough in value to be a warning sign to those of you still paying below this price. My husband bikes to work every day.
You can remedy your warranty situation - They are required to give you your money back for the warranty if it is within 30 or 60 days (not sure which). You just have to go in and sign a piece of paper. Then you can buy the cheaper one online! Congratulations on your new car!
$229,500 OTD in CA is a fantastic price. Congratulations. Your scored. I used to have a '77 280Z and belonged to a Z Club. Lots of fun going on Z-cades with the group. I wonder if any Prius Group goes on Pri-cades?
Thanks apriusfan, and I beleive you are correct in your assumption of when the $4.00 pg will hit (or soon thereafter). Thanks for the info megjo. I filled out a quote request for the "warrantyshack" link on this site so hopefully I will hear from them soon and see about cancelling the one I bought at the dealership.
I have always enjoyed the 280Z and it is fun to drive but I don't have enough room in the garage for it now. The Prius is a larger car than the Z, although not by much. As much as I hate to, I guess I'll sell the Z because I don't want to let it set out in the desert sun for a long time.
So far I'm enjoying the heck out of driving the prius although I don't do a lot of driving anymore. 280 miles so far and it says 38.7 mpg average. But the way I understand it, it takes about 600 or more miles to break it in and start getting better mileage. I bid on a "Dashmat" cover tonight on ebay since I seem to get a lot of reflection from the dash into the windshield. I'm also kinda waiting to see what the reviews are on the BT skid plates since it sounds like a good idea.
Be sure to read and follow the advice given in both the owner's manual and the scheduled maintenance guide (they are separate documents). They will save you money and trouble.
I've gone through the whole owners manual that came with it (and refer back to it for questions I have) and will go through the maintenance guide also. This is quite a learning experience.
mileage will start to climb... i was at 39mpg hen i first got it.. right now.. it's reading 48.7mpg.. i'm very happy...and i drive bout 75mph on the freeway...