Whaaaaaa Whoooooo!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by twotoejoe, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. twotoejoe

    twotoejoe New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Conway, MA
    2008 Prius
    Whaaaaaa Whoooooo!!!!

    Hey all!

    Just got my 2008 Package 2 yesterday and got 45mpg coming back on the 112 mile trip (almost entirely interstate) from the dealership. My previous car, Volvo S60 got about 24mpg. Man, I am going to save lots of cash on my 200+ mile commute three times a week.

    I live in a cold climate and about 4 miles down a dirt road in the middle of really hilly but beautiful woods. My neighbor has a Prius and has had no issues getting up our steep road in the snow and ice. I'll keep you posted on that and I have a long steep and unpaved driveway.

    For anyone looking to buy I learned alot in the process:

    1.) This site is awesome for practical information and advice. Ask bout the packages and this cars capabilities. Thank you to all!!

    2.) There is a wide range of prices between dealerships! My first dealership was willing to knock off about $500 off the $24,300 sticker and the last (5 dealers later) came in at $21,314!!!! That was about $800 below invoice!!!

    3.) Use the internet. Edmunds.com gave me the best advice on how to buy a car and some very specific information on what the dealer is paying for the car (Invoice) and what the average actual selling price is for my area (I think Edmonds calls it TMV). Make sure you read the long but very informative story from the journalist they hired undercover to go and become a car salesman and write about the dealers strategies to add profit into the sale.

    4.) Focus on the price, price price. Don't think about the extended contracts, financing or anything when negotiating. Don't fall for the "What are you looking to pay per month?" line from the sales person. Don't feel pressured to buy from the person who gave you the test drive. DON"T BUY IT THAT DAY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!

    5.) Email the dealerships within a reasonable distance (I went with 100 miles which is a drive but I saved so much money). I simple wrote, "Buying a 2008 Package 2 Prius this week. Have financing lined up (only partially true). Any color except black or white." You will be amazed how quickly the prices can come down.

    Finally one dealersip sent me an email with the above price. Now I had it in writing on email so there wouldn't be any confusion as to what they said. I went back to the local guy who gave me the test drive and said if he could come with in $200 dollars I would buy from him since he gave me my first ride. The local dealer told me there was no way I could get it for that price the dealership was losing money. I told them they had to understand the I had to try if I coud save $2500 over their price.

    I went in expecting the deal to be to good to be true. But it wasn't, there was no haggling, no upselling everything went smooth. I asked how they could do it. They said they were a top 10 dealership so they got special deals and had to keep a high volume of cars moving out of their relatively small lot. The internet salesman (yes, it's actually a position at this dealer) makes only $50 per car, flat rate but he gets big monthly bonuses if he his a certain volume. He was great, took time to show me the car inside and out and I felt great.

    Again, thank you to all of you who had such great avide and support.
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: Whaaaaaa Whoooooo!!!!

    Congratulations and welcome!

    Glad to hear the purchasing process was smooth.
  3. twotoejoe

    twotoejoe New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Conway, MA
    2008 Prius
    Hey all!

    Just got my 2008 Package 2 yesterday and got 45mpg coming back on the 112 mile trip (almost entirely interstate) from the dealership. My previous car, Volvo S60 got about 24mpg. Man, I am going to save lots of cash on my 200+ mile commute three times a week.

    I live in a cold climate and about 4 miles down a dirt road in the middle of really hilly but beautiful woods. My neighbor has a Prius and has had no issues getting up our steep road in the snow and ice. I'll keep you posted on that and I have a long steep and unpaved driveway.

    For anyone looking to buy I learned alot in the process:

    1.) This site is awesome for practical information and advice. Ask about the packages and this cars capabilities. Thank you to all!!

    2.) There is a wide range of prices between dealerships! My first dealership was willing to knock off about $500 off the $24,300 sticker and the last (5 dealers later) came in at $21,314!!!! That was about $800 below invoice!!!

    3.) Use the internet. Edmunds.com gave me the best advice on how to buy a car and some very specific information on what the dealer is paying for the car (Invoice) and what the average actual selling price is for my area (I think Edmonds calls it TMV). Make sure you read the long but very informative story from the journalist they hired undercover to go and become a car salesman and write about the dealer's strategies to add profit into the sale.

    4.) Focus on the price, price price. Don't think about the extended contracts, financing or anything when negotiating. Don't fall for the "What are you looking to pay per month?" line from the sales person. Don't feel pressured to buy from the person who gave you the test drive. DON"T BUY IT THAT DAY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!

    5.) Email the dealerships within a reasonable distance (I went with 100 miles which is a drive but I saved so much money). I simple wrote, "Buying a 2008 Package 2 Prius this week. Have financing lined up (only partially true). Any color except black or white." You will be amazed how quickly the prices can come down.

    Finally one dealersip sent me an email with the above price. Now I had it in writing on email so there wouldn't be any confusion as to what they said. I went back to the local guy who gave me the test drive and said if he could come with in $200 dollars I would buy from him since he gave me my first ride. The local dealer told me there was no way I could get it for that price the other dealership was losing money. I told them they had to understand tate I had to try if I coud save $2500 over their price.

    I went in expecting the deal to be to good to be true. But it wasn't, there was no haggling, no upselling everything went smooth. I asked how they could do it. They said they were a top 10 dealership so they got special deals and had to keep a high volume of cars moving out of their relatively small lot. The internet salesman (yes, it's actually a position at this dealer) makes only $50 per car, flat rate but he gets big monthly bonuses if he hits a certain volume. He was great, took time to show me the car inside and out and I felt great.

    Again, thank you to all of you who had such great avide and support.
  4. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Great summary.

    Congrats on your purchase, Joe! Knowledge is the most important tool whether buying a car or just getting through life.
  5. TeamWenz

    TeamWenz New Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    Madison, WI
    2008 Prius
    Congrtas on your new Prius. You did your homework and it payed off.
  6. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    Good post that should be read by all buying ANY car.

    As a side note...The front of the Prius takes a lot more gravel and debris hits than the hood of a conventional car. If you are on a dirt road, you may want to do something to help preserve the paint on the front of the bumper and hood.
  7. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    *Threads merged*
  8. jackalope

    jackalope Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Connecticut now but from Vermont
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    What dealer (and salesperson) did you use? My wife and I are in Vermont and are looking for the same car. The best quote we received locally was $22.7k.

  9. max2prius

    max2prius Junior Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Walnut Creek, CA
    2008 Prius
    That is an incredible price. I paid $21,700 for a package 2 on 12/31/2007. It was by far the lowest price in the bay area.

    Great advice. I also negotiated over the internet in writing before I came in, and it was a smooth transaction.
  10. twotoejoe

    twotoejoe New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Conway, MA
    2008 Prius

    Wellesely Toyota in Wellesely Mass (outside of Boston on 95). There was a Keene dealership and a Nashua NH dealership also. Greefield Mass was very nice but couldn't get below 23,000. Do a search on Vehix.com. This will give you an idea of what dealers in a specific radius have cars. Then search the web for their specific web sites. Most of thos sites have a "contact us" section. email them looking for a quote. Many will quote you a sticker price but some will start to give you invoice amounts. Then just start to ask the others if they can beat it.
  11. perryma

    perryma New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    2005 Prius
    What do you recommend for protecting paint? I am getting my hood repainted next week. It has tons of dings from gravel on the road. Why do they get more than other cars?
  12. jackalope

    jackalope Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Connecticut now but from Vermont
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Thanks! Hopefully we can find one at a good price this week too.
  13. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    For protection you can get clear protective film. I will let those with first hand experience respond. You can just start a thread asking the question if you want a lot of feedback.

    The Prius hood has a lot more exposed frontal area than the rather flat hood of most cars. I have a 99 Camry and a 01 Prius. I have to use vastly more touch up paint on the Prius than the Camry. To ding the Camry hood, the rock has to come down from above. To ding the Prius, the rock can come up from below....and they do.