New Delphi XM MiFi

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Dean123, Dec 12, 2004.

  1. Dean123

    Dean123 New Member

    Dec 12, 2004
    I have an 2004 Prius with the single CD changer. I just bought the new Delphi XM MiFi. Its an amazing! new pocket XM receiver. Link: It has an internal FM modulator. But alas, I live in L.A. and the FM band is so saturated the signal quality is poor into the Prius' radio. Is there any way to go mini plug out from the XM MiFi to the Prius? BTW, I have an iPod also and I have seen the posts regarding the iPod2car device, but the iPod2car connects directly to the multipin jack on the bottom of the iPod. Therefore, it would not seem to work with other MP3 or audio devices using a standard miniplug. Any ideas?
    The other thing I was thinking is whether there is some way to connect the XM MiFi directly to the Prius display just as one would do with the regular XM kit sold by Coastaletech (Dave). The MiFi has a multiplug pin on the bottom and I have on idea if it could possible interface with the Prius display. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts. The MiFi is just a little larger that the iPod and comes with a 5 hour memory storage capability in case you are unable to get a signal. Dean
  2. Areometer

    Areometer Silver Business Sponsor

    Oct 31, 2004
    Tyngsboro, MA
    2005 Prius
    I too just got a MyFi not too long ago and am using the included cassette adaptor to play music. Believe it or not, sound quality via this adaptor is pretty good, sounds about the same as my Prius' CD player. The wireless FM modulation method is a joke, sound quality sucks big time.

    Any way, since that my Prius comes w/ the navigation, I can't use those in-line adaptors from PIE nor BlitzSafe. So cassette adaptor seems to be the ONLY way for me now.

    If someone knows other alternative methods to hard-wire the MyFi to the Prius, please let me know too.

  3. Dean123

    Dean123 New Member

    Dec 12, 2004
    My Prius did not come with a cassette player. I agree with you that the FM route is a joke. Ideally, for me, it would be great to be able to switch uses between the iPod and the XM, i.e. if the iPod connector had the ability to accept a miniplug. The other thing I was thinking is that if the MiFi could use the same connector that connects the hard wired XM systems sold by Coastaletech. That way one could have full functionality on the Prius display. I will check out a little more PIE and BlitzSafe. The MiFi is pretty cool. Although it does have its limitations. Walking around the neighborhood this morning the reception was a little erratic, but still enjoyable. There are a lot of trees and the southern exposure was somewhat blocked so it was not ideal. I probably looked a little silly with the external wearable antenna clipped on to my hat!. I think for walking around its probably best to have prerecorded stuff to listen to. Dean
  4. Areometer

    Areometer Silver Business Sponsor

    Oct 31, 2004
    Tyngsboro, MA
    2005 Prius
    Can't believe that I am using a cassette player in 2005 !

    Isn't it funny that in the US, the ancient cassette player is now a savior for modern day portable music players like iPOD, MyFi, MP3, etc? In Asia & Europe, cassette is in the same museum as 8-track already. They have been using MiniDisc as recordable format for decades.

    Sounds like your Prius doesn't come w/ the navigation display? May be there is a PIE adaptor for you then, check out If it does, PIE allows 3 sets of audio inputs, in your case, both your MyFi & iPOD will be set.

    I agree that it will be super cool if MyFi functions can be displayed on our screens. How do you mount your MyFi? Via the vent mount?
  5. Dean123

    Dean123 New Member

    Dec 12, 2004
    I have only tried the vent mount so far. It worked pretty well. I am still experimenting. Dean
  6. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    Ditto on that. The FM modulator is the only way I can play my MyFi in my Jeep, and the sound quality is dismal.

    I've decided that I prefer Sirius to XM (mainly because I like First Wave better than Fred), and since Toyota is going to offer Sirius tuners next year, I'm going to be selling my MyFi on Ebay, and buying a Sirius tuner for my Prius, and some sort of PnP tuner for my Jeep.