Hi all, I just bought a 2008 magnetic gray prius, that was fresh off the truck with 7 miles on it total. This was friday, I then went on to drive it to pittsburgh from maryland, and loved every minute of the drive. I also loved that I got half way back to maryland before i needed to put any gas in it.. i think i averaged about 44mpg for the whole trip, and this lots of hills going through the mountains on the highway. I think my favorite part was during some of the long downward slopes, where i had a 15 minute span of 99mpg plastered on the trip computer hah. Anyways. Just wanted to say and I look forward to reading through the forums. Also, whats peoples opinion of the EV mode modification.. i'm interested but not sure I want to do that to my car just yet. Uhm what else.. I'm also looking for any good suggestion on license plate surroundings that are interesting and new floor mats that might be cool for the prius. thanks
Welcome to PriusChat, Mike! Congrats on your new car... now you are part of the Prius Cult....ure. The PC shop here has mats, deflectors, mudflaps, etc. If you check out the Modifications thread, you'll find some photos of what others have done to spruce up their Prii. Enjoy!
Congrads!!! and enjoy its the best!! I picked up mine in December I started out getting 41-42 had one really cold week and bad gas I think(I was in the habit of going to the cheapest place could find-a Durango will do that to you-) and got 36mpg. ever since then I have been going to Shell and today I filled up getting 378 miles for the tank and putting in 8 gallons giving me 47.2 mpg. The interesting part of this is that the car said 45 mpg. I love this Car!!! I cant say that enough, and I see lots of Prius drivers on the road, but nobody waves back, they must all think I am crazy . Janice 2457 total Miles
Great choice on the color! I also got an '08 a couple of weeks ago. 'Tis an awesome car. I'm hovering around 50'ish MPG right now and I'm on my third tank (nearly 950 miles already). But I live in Arizona where winter is like summer for some of you. LOL! I'm also considering the EV mod and will likely be installing the high-beam flasher mod this weekend and if that works well, I'll probably go the Radio Shack button route to make it permanent. Welcome to the group! I think you'll find a ton of really enthusiastic Prius owners here and some very smart folks as well. They've been invaluable to me so far! Cheers, Coder
Hey All, Got one as well - a 2008 Mag Grey #2! Love it! My first tank was 29 avg. though. Proabably because it's been bitterly cold here in Chicago lately? We'll see how the next tank goes. Cheers.
Not sure the EBH is needed, considering the winter in maryland doesn't get terribly cold... I'm definately considering the grill blocking idea.
Looking good! I see you guys still have snow in the ground just like us here in York, PA. My Prius is in need of a good wash from the previous snow. Maybe this weekend, if we only get a dusting on Saturday night.