i agree with Henry... the number of Priuses i see now seems to grow every day now. one day last week i saw (albeit most were ones i had seen previously) over a dozen Priuses and that was in a 1.1 mile drive to the gym (4 in the lot including mine) then back to home, another where i live visiting a neighbor. then to work 1.3 miles. was behind a blue one turning towards St. Peters (wasnt Henry though.. he is silver anyway) but also had a tidelands going my way until Sleater-Kinney where he went straight and i turned only to see another one in the left turn lane. stopped at drive in expresso and had another one pull in behind me... it goes on and on. 3 of the ones i saw still had temp plates on them. its funny when i ordered my car i thought it would be green like the brousure was... and i looked high and low for another tidelands pearl to no avail. now there are at least 10-15 of them locally.
Sorry you felt snubbed TonyP . . . But, if you want to get over that feeling quickly, try driving through Los Angeles in a Prius!! Lots of heads will turn to see who is in the Prii, but once they see you are not a movie star they loose interest quickly . . . it’s not the car they are interested in. What a bunch of wannabe oblivions! I was turning my head for Prii too - but even if there were a “star†inside, I’d still be more interested in looking at the car. Thankfully no “star†sightings . . . I’d hate to give the Prius Wave for fear of looking like a wannabe oblivion! Or maybe it was me who looked like a wannabe by driving a Prius. . . . ooh the insanity of La La Land. I hate it there . . . except the freeways - sure, they were bumper to bumper, but it was great for gas mileage!
Kinda old topic, but it seemd to be the best place. I've given waves to Prii, with no real time to know if they responded. I was sitting a light Friday on the way home from work. Line of cars coming, no right on red possible. I noticed how bright the lights were on one car, clearly HIDs. I was wondering if they were OEM or add ons when it got close enough that I saw it was a Prius! First time I've seen one with lights on coming perpendicular. Whoo hoo! It got closer and I saw it was a Seaside. Then the best part. The lady in the passenger seat was waving VERY exhuberently at me. I'm pretty sure it was because of the car, not my looks. ;-) Of course I waved back! If I hadn't been late or had needed cat food, I would have followed them into the Pet Food Warehouse. Dang. I saw another Prius later and waved. He either wasn't looking or didn't care to wave back. I dropped my daughter at a party this afternoon. I noticed the neighbors' have a Seaside. It wasn't the same car though as the one on Friday had a plate that suggested it had been 'in the family' for many a year, 4 digits and it was not a personailzed plate. The one 'next door' was a standard 3 character 3 digit plate, minted this year.
Saw my first Salsa (besides mine) going through a Mc Donalds drive through as I was pulling into a strip mall,going to get some dinner at an Italian restaurant. Other than that one,I haven't seen one in three weeks.