I was wondering about that. The guy in the video is very annoying but it's still worth watching. 108mph getting over 22mpg? Sounds good to me.
I think he would have done better (with less commentary) by taking his foot off the floor to maintain the speed. Not that I am going to be trying that any time soon, now that I am over 30 and a father of two I don't feel quite as invincible as I used to. Not to mention the points for a ticket 30+ over, yikes!
Soory ta annoy you. I thought I was the life of the party... Oh well, crawl back inta my shelll... LOL... Ug Here's the opposite... or this one...
I just figured you PRIUS guys needed a shot up the RUMP! I'd upload more now, but internet sucks... Sorry...
Ive hit 112 with my prius and when i did it shut itself off ! it wasnt until it got back down around 70 or so did it "Go" again. Must be some sort of cut off in the computer. Anyway at 112 i was getting (before shut down) 20.9 mpg
When you're doing 100 MPH, you really shouldn't be looking at your camera's viewfinder all over the place. Hell, you shouldn't be doing that at 20 MPH.
I always wondered when the governor kicked in on these things. And it sounds like if you have gone 120 and the motor shut off, then that is where the governor kicks in. I have wanted to test it but live in Southern California and I am too worried about being caught.