If you are a member of a warehouse club (Costco, BJs, Sams, etc), or AAA you should see if they have an auto buying program (some credit unions/banks may do so as well). I purchased my red Prius through Costco (they provided contact info for a particpating dealer) and received an excellent price, plus it was a no hassle deal for me (that was worth it in itself). No dealers had what I wanted locally so I ended up having to wait 3 weeks but I got the car I wanted and a great deal. Good luck! Peace, Chris
Gregzgurl- I bet you would really enjoy a SpectraBlueMicra with an Orange pinstripe down the side!! Talk about a real classy look for Tally!! Chomp!! I got the Barcelona Red of course. Hmmm...sorta looks like Garnet! What the heck!? DOH!! Well, at least there is no gold pinstripe. Whew!
If your considering Black you must have never owned a black car before. Its a nightmare of detailing and with Prius's thin paint would not be fun. The red is awesome. I have the driftwood with bisque which I think hides dirt the best. I saw a red in the parking lot the other day and looked inside and the interior was gray which looked awful. . here's pic of my bisque with Wet Okole seat covers which have been awesome so far:
your interior with those seat covers is very nice. but I have to disagree with the above - I have the red prius, with the dark grey interior and the leather seats and I think it's very attractive -- and I used to have a gold one with the driftwood interior and cloth seats and thought it less attractive than this one.
rojaygator....what color interior did you get with yours? I've definitely decided to get the red, but still unsure about the interior. I actually like the spectra blue color but then I remembered my family would disown me for driving gator colors!
Some people worry about what their car looks like clean rather than how dirty it can get before they need to wash it ... that being said, you are right that black is a pain overall. I still always get cars in black ... one, it FORCES me to wash them more often which I need to do more often anyhow. U just can't beat how they look clean. As far as chips, they do tend to show chips and scratches more easily, but from a distance you can't really tell overall. Personally I like black best b/c it makes the car look less "toy-ish" (to borrow another member's description) and more "manly" (for lack of a better word b/c the Prius will never be described as manly). TOTALLY a personal choice obviously. As far as interior ... I find the dark gray goes with the rest of the dash material, etc better. There was a time where I was really looking hard at the bisque though.
Gregzgurl- Mine has the gray interior; I think it looks good against the red. Also came with a gray pinstripe which coordinates well. I would say you can't go wrong either way. But if you go blue, be sure to get the Orange pinstripe-really a classy look!