Last July, the hybrid exemption to the existing HOV lane restrictions was extended for one year, to July 1, 2007. At the same time, a cap was placed on hybrid vehicles using the 95/395 HOV lanes. Only hybrids purchased prior to July 1, 2007 and having clean fuel plates could use the 95/395 HOV lanes without at least 3 people in the car. A bill (House Bill No. 2132) has been introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates that would once again extend the hybrid exemption for one year, to July, 2008. According to a news report I heard on the radio this morning, indications are that the Senate will approve and the Governor will sign such an extension. Assuming it is signed into law, this is great news for commuters with hybrids like me and my wife. And even better news for us, since we will be retiring in the spring of '08, and this next extension will carry us through to retirement. Source
This really is good news. Although I don't regularly get to make use of my Clean Fuel plates, it would be nice to have that option for another year. Thanks for the update, Gene.
No bill has been introduced to extend the "sunset" to 2009 or to eliminate the sunset. This means that as of 7/1/08 vehicles with the clean special fuel plates with less than 3 people will not be allowed on I95HOV lanes during the restricted hours. My rep, D. Albo, says it is too late to do anything about it--the agenda is set.
UPDATE! Delegate Timothy D. Hugo has introduced a bill (HB104) that will extend the exemption another year until July 2009. Please write your Delegate in support of the bill! You can find your Delegate's name/contact info here (, as well as follow the bill's progress. My understanding was that this was barely passed last year, so if you're interested in extending the exemption for Hybrids using VA HOV lanes, email your Delegate. Thanks!
Thanks. I will write and explain that I believe Hybrid HOV Exemptions have always been bad policy and suggest that they die a natural death without added life support.
It does appear that a bill has been introduced in the House to extend the HOV provision for Hybrids. Please make sure you contact your delegate and let him/her know you support the bill. Tempus, this doesn't apply to you ... no need to waste your postage!
It's actually HB1014, the text of which can be found here: Richmond Sunlight » 2008 » HB1014: High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes; use by vehicles bearing special fuel vehicle license plates. Dan
Assuming all goes according to plan, my wife & I will stop using the HOV lanes on I-95/395 at the end of March, so an extension of the hybrid exception shouldn't affect us. That said, I think it's a good idea to extend it, for two reasons: 1. The number of hybrids that can legally use the HOV lanes is limited to the number of appropriate clean fuel plates, and they stopped issuing those in July of 2006. Over time, the number of hybrids using the hybrid exception should subside. 2. If all of the hybrids now using the HOV lanes under the hybrid exception (a large number, judging by what I see every day) are taken out of the HOV lanes and dumped into the regular lanes, everyone using the regular lanes will suffer additional congestion. We'd have a situation where hybrids would be contributing significantly to air pollution, not due to their own emissions but the emissions of cars stuck in traffic all around them.
An up date for everyone in VA. The bill to extend the HOV exemption has passed both the house and the senate. The house passed 2010, the senate dropped it back to 2009. Should be signed soon. Be Safe
Glad I followed up on this post. Was just about to renew my vehicle registration and was wondering how to convert it back to using "normal" plates, but luckily since it seems like it will be extended, I'll stick with my special fuel plates
Anyone know of current legislative status for Hybrid/HOV Lane use (I-66) as July 1st rapidly approaches?
Richmond Sunlight 2009 HOV lanes; extend sunset provision allowing those vehicles bearing clean special fuel license plate. (HB2476) It is awaiting signature by the governor.