I'm a few hours away from getting my first car... my wife and I were all set with getting package 2, but we got in a package 6 for the test drive. Well, I'm a map & data freak and the navigation is worth it to me. Ergo, I'm going to get package 5 now. There are really on two features I want: Smart Key System (starts at pkg2) Navigation (starts at pkg5) But now I'm reading all these stories about how you can't use any options above package 2 unless the car isn't moving?! eg - the bluetooth phone, the mp3 player, can't enter a destination on the nav. lame. all this "legal design for idiots" is making me want to go back to package 2. Is the MFD that crippled of a system when you're driving? Just trying to make an informed decision woohoo, first post
hey I just took delivery of my package 2 and love it I decided not to get the other packages cause i already had a tomtom and dont use a blue tooth phone i think its up to you on what you want to spend the $ on
Get the package #5. ALL factory navigation systems operate the same way like that. That's why companies like this Prius Accessories make a device to circumvent it.
Yea go with the Pckg 5, is the one i have and im lovin it. I've read somewhere here there is a sequence u do in the screen to bypass the lockout while moving, but I have tried it with no luck in my 2008 . in fact, i cant get ANY of those different screen sequences to work on the 08...
thanks for the quick replies!! very interesting, thanks for link. I called them to ask some questions, but could only leave a message. It says and it's got me thinking. Say I got package two and did this "ultimate lockpick 3" thing... could I plug in my Garmin Nuvi 660 handheld GPS into some port and see the map & hear the directions on the prius MFD?! that's pretty cool. where's this port at on the prius? how would this work? And it sounds like if I got package five with this "ultimate lockpick 3" then I could play movies from my video ipod ON the MFD and through the prius speakers?! you just have to plug it into the mp3 jack in the center console, right?? that's pretty cool too. very cool stuff. i hope they call me back soon. I also came across a thread here that linked to a speed wire mod, that looks pretty easy and doesn't lose too much functionality.
I would question the GPS (navigation) option. that's what you're talking about, right? Doesn't that add like $1500 on to the cost? There are great portable GPS units that plug into your lighter, and have a suction cup holder (I put my right under my rear view mirror or just let it sit in my lap) for like $250 -- and you can take them into your other vehicle, on foot, some hold scads of MP3s, etc. I bought a TomTom XLS 2 weeks ago for $229 shipped. Why get the indash option for so much more?
I will add that I did make the mistake of getting Toyota's NAV system, and it is a pain in the but to use, with Voice Recognition being so bad it is more trouble than it is worth. On the other hand, my Garmin Nuvi is simple and intuitive with the transportability to other cars as mentioned above. If you find a good mounting location and run the cables under the trim, it can come close to factory look and you can get a second set of cables and mount to use in other cars. It will run on battery for four hours so if you are riding with a friend and need NAV for less than 4 hours, you can just grab it and go, holding it in your lap or set it in a cup holder. I believe that Garmin uses better map data than some other brands, They have units starting under $300, but their gold plated Cadelac widescreen unit with Blue Tooth Hand Free phone and live traffic data is about half the price of the Toyota NAV at around $800. Check out Garmin.com
I'd strongly recommend going with the #2 and simply buying a Garmin or TomTom aftermarket. You'll end up saving a bunch of $ and will have something that can be upgraded or replaced as the technology improves. Plus, I've found that I like to take my Garmin with me on foot or public transportation or in other people's cars. It is small enough to slip into a pocket and the internal battery will allow it's power-source free use for a day or more.
+1 I debated this also, I wanted the Navigation, but not for the price they wanted. I would get a portable unit, that can go on any vehicle, for less that 1/2 the price. I am very satisfied with the package 2