New owner in 11/2007. Bought 2008 Silver Pine Mica, pk2 and got a great deal from Ernie Boch (come on down!) 1st: Some passengers think my car is about to stall out when it switches from gas to electric engine. Do you think what I consider a "normal" shake is normal? I have no point of reference. I have about 1500 miles so far. (The car actually did stall once when I pulled into my garage.) 2nd.. Am I nuts to think about installing a small light tow hitch so I can pull my 17'ft long canoe 2 miles down the road to get it in the lake? My 10 yr old daughter and I cannot lift the 100+ lb canoe onto the roof - besides that stupid antennae sticks up in the middle of my roof. 3rd... Does anyone from MA - north of Boston - know if I installed a shark fin antennae would I still be able to recieve WHOM 94.5 fm? This Maine station is the only one I listen to day and night and I wouldn't want to buy the sharkfin if I lose my favorite station. Thanks for your assistance!
1)The amount of shake when the engine switches on and off appears to vary somewhat between cars. It should not even be perceptible once the engine is completely warmed up (the computer/engine/electric motors have different operating modes at different temperatures. One of them has some noticable shake, but this should go away as the engine warms up.) Try to get a ride in another Prius of similar year to get an idea of what is "normal" or have another experience Prius driver try your car. 2) A very light trailer for short distance like that should be not problem. The dealer, however, may use the presence of hitch as a way to weasel out of a warranty repair. 3) Shark fin will degrade reception by 25-50%. If you are getting marginal reception in some areas where you drive, you will definitely notice (and not like) the difference.
"Stalling" - I'm in Pittsburgh and we experience cold weather. My car can shudder imperceptibly when the weather is warm or rather violently when it's very cold and I'm within the first 5 or 6 minutes of starting the car. Once my car is warmed up (10+ minutes of driving) I don't experience shuddering, just a gentle sigh.
My 06 Prius antenna easily screws off--for car wash. Surely you can live w/o radio for the 4 mile roundtrip. If you cannot lift the canoe up to the roof, then why are concerned about the antenna being in the way? You can tow light weight things with the Prius. Poeple have towed jet skis and motorcycles. I recommend you keep the total towed weight to less than 1000 pounds. The 100# canoe and a light weight trailer and short distance will be no problem. Trailer hitches are sold for the Prius. There is much misinformation on Prius sites about towing capacity of the Prius. In my 06 owners manual Toyota says towing is not recommended.
1) The shuddering is normal, esp. in colder weather and will probably lessen with time. 2)Trailer for such light stuff won't be a problem though Toyota will never tell you that. 3) Can't help you with that specific of a question, but count on a significant reception loss.
Thanks for all the information. The small lightweight tow hitch/trailer would be preferable to bugging my neighbors to help lift the canoe on the roof every time - and then hoping someone would be around when I arrived at the fishing hole! I will skip the shark fin...even though I mentioned the four mile to and from work I buzz all over the place after work. The shaking when I switch from gas to electric and vice versa is apparent. It could be related to the cold time of year and my short trips to work. I will have to pay more attention when I drive longer trips on the weekends. Maybe it's gone when I have really warmed the car up. I also can't wait to see what grill insulation does for me. The short trips to work result in about 39 mpg - which I would like to improve (but I am NOT van probably got about 15mpg on the same trip.) I plan on purchasing the pipe insulation this weekend.
Rudy usually shakes a bit when he shuts off the ICE... and if I'm going rather slow, I can feel the ICE start back up, too. It may just be your car's personality... along with engine temp, ambient sound levels, how attentive you are, etc.
Note that the design of the drive system makes it impossible to stall the engine in the familiar ways (too little accelerator, standing on the brake, etc.).