Can someone post a photo of their block grill ? I would like to see how you use the blocking material to block out the cold. Thanks FishHawk
. . . and a whole discussion complete with pictures here
I have to wash my car then take pictures. I just installed it for the first time on Monday, 1/14. I used 3/4" gray pipe insulation, opened it, and mounted it behind the upper grill using zip ties. For the lower grille, I used gutter guard from Home Depot. Not the fence type; the plastic that is solid except for some small slots. Again, I used zip ties and it is behind the grill. Unfortunately I only had white lying around the garage, but it does come in brown also. It isn't nearly as noticeable.
You should see mine, using a neon green pool noodle!!! I'm too embarrased to even post a pic. But hey, it was free, and my son is too young to notice his pool noodle is ~2ft shorter than it was Rob
I respect your frugality, but dark gray pipe insulation like a lot of us use is pretty cheap! Besides, your son will get older and eventually expect to have what's his.
Here are 2 more photos. Bought 4, 6' tubes (1") for a total cost of $3.50; each tube cut in half. No zip ties used and they have not budged. Enjoy
Yes. There are different opinions on how much should be blocked and at what temperature it should be removed. IMO if the fan hasn't started then it isn't too hot. I've kept the top blocked year round.
It works for me, my mpg's went up instantly,like the minute I drove it after blocking off the intakes. It went from low 40's to mid to high 40's like 45/46, and it did that the very next time I drove it...
Thanks, JimN. My mileage has gone up as well, but I did several things at the same time. I blocked the grill, put a small piece of insulation on top of the engine (it doesn't touch the block or exhaust and is far away fromthe fan belt, just on top of the plastic), I'm driving a bit smoother (although I was already trying pretty hard not to use the gas too much) and I haven't used the heat. The begining of the tank was at 43 mpg average (about 20 miles used) and now I have 3 bars left at 51 mpg. I think I'm on to something here!
Do you all have SG's ? I have to contend with the "W" factor, so SG or not, it can't be something she has to think about. I'm in Westchester County, NY, and some morning's it's a solid 5 degrees. I'm getting about 45 mpg, but considering I usually get 60 in the summer, I was hoping there was a "low tech" and "set it and forget it" solution.
I like Pat's solution! However, for those who cannot afford the move, here are some pics of mine.