C3PO Crapulous Personal Prius Purchasing Qdyssey

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Rokeby, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    First post; longish, with apologies.

    Below meant to encourage prospective Prius buyers. It summarizes a self-inflicted purchasing odyssey. Surely not the only approach, may not even be the best. But, do it I did, you can too.

    In mid-Nov '07, visit Baltimore area Toyota dealer to test drive Camry Hybrid; did not like. On lark, tried Prius, am smitten, must have. Begin massive, intensive internet research on Prius as next car. Purchase by 12/31/07 desired to avoid Maryland sales tax and licensing fee increases. Touring model dictated by unresolved separation issues with my first real car; a new, red, '69 BMW 2002. (Herein lies the seed of dollar-wise gross intemperance).

    Study article at Edmunds about car dealer sales games. (Confessions of a Car Salesman)

    Approach four local area dealers. All more or less play the games. When Prius Touring mentioned they become suspicious, even hostile, then quick call to sales manager. One says "Toyota doesn't make the Touring anymore." Three say Toyota USA does not ship that model to the Southeast Region (MD, DE, PA, VA, WV) and try to peddle a car on their lot. None offer to find one and have it shipped in. Elect to work with least offensive dealer. Five days after first contact, sign special order agreement, 10-12 week delivery expected. A day later, they say delivery is more like 20-24 weeks, maybe more. I walk away.

    12/17/07 Desperate, go back on the internet, find Holy Grail; map of probable Toyota's sales regions.

    Do national searches for exact car I want: Touring, Barcelona Red, Beige int, Pkg 6. Work dealer locations against regional map. Closest car in Middletown, RI, Boston Region. Contact dealer, confirm they have car. Should have used this approach first.

    12/19-22/07 Storm of emails. Accept dealer price, numbers withheld to protect the besotted. Send deposit via Express Mail. Find $79 US Airways flight. Arrange non-dealer financing. Arrange insurance effective on pick up date. Confirm titling/license requirements with Maryland DMV for car purchased out of state. Arrange for dealer to pick me up at airport. Shipping car would cost ~$450; No way.

    Christmas happens, Ho, Ho, Ho. Intensely study Prius Pocket Reference Guides to understand basic control/display layouts, etc.

    12/27/07 Leave house at 5:00 am for 7:45 flight. Leave vehicle at airport. Arrive Providence at 11:15. Dealer pick-up actually occurs. Arrive at dealer 12:00. Follow pick-up checklist found at: (Prius Pick-up Checklist)

    Take test drive, all OK. Conduct inspection inside, outside, under hood, under car, etc. All A-OK. Sign papers, pay balance, take possession with RI temp tags. Depart 4{15 pm with full tank of gas, 34F, light rain, snow still under trees from earlier storm temps. Kudos to folks at Toyota of Newport.

    On I-95 heading south, conduct modified ICE engine break-in procedure by short moderate-heavy accelerations on multiple on-ramps.
    Break-in period for driving speed - PriusChat Forums

    Arrive at daughter's place on northern NJ shore at 9:15 pm. She drives Chevy Surburban, thinks Prius is "cute. " Daughter announces first grandchild due in July '08; A very Merry Christmas indeed!

    12/28/07 Depart early AM with copilot, son, returning via Balto to home in mountains of far southwestern VA. He drives Chevy stretch-cab S-10 pickup, bemoans his 13 mpg. Divert to airport, pick up vehicle.. 450 total miles, 42.7 mpg. Down a Natty-Boh.

    12/31/07 2:40 pm Pay sales tax, title and license car in Merlin, oops, Maryland, Hon.
    (Maryland Humor -- Pretty Funny Stuff!)

    Car to be called "Amapola," Spanish; poppy. Reasons:
    1. Seductive Barcelona red exterior
    2. Song, "Amapola," begins; "A boy found a dream upon a distant shore..." ((1941, Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, vocals by Jeanette McDonald and Bob Eberly (http://www.pcdon.com/-JimmyDorsey_Amapola.wav )
    3. Soon to be grandfather, "Poppi?"
    4. Reminder that recouping hybrid upgrade cost differentials through gas savings may be a pipe dream.

    After driving (managing?) car for nearly a month, these observations:
    1. Gas mileage slowly climbing as I learn nuances of hybrid drive train and driving techniques: currently 982 mi., 43.6 mpg overall.
    2. Driving this car is fun. Not since my BC {Before Children) BMW 2002 has there been immediately pressing reasons to really pay attention to everything that's going on under the hood, on the road, the lie of the land, even the weather. It really maters to pay attention, right here, right now. The sense of reward for anticipating the numerous factors and making correct responses -- though sometimes lucky ones depending on traffic and lights --- is an inducement to better, safer driving.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Sonny Jim

    Sonny Jim New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
    Newport Beach, CA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Great post :)

    Welcome to Prius Chat...your love for and bond with Poppy will only grow stronger with time...
  3. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Great Post! Thanks for sharing your adventure!
