So I slowly enter my garage, push the "Power" button to turn off the car, and immediately after, like 1 sec, I opened the driver's door. To my surprise, the car did not turn off, and displayed the open door triangle ! warning. Luckily I manage to get back to my seat and hit the brakes, otherwise the car would've hit my garage wall. This happened twice. Does it happen to anyone else? Lesson learned: always put a little extra time after Powering off the car before getting out.
Nope, but then I always hit park before power, then gather my "stuff" together before exiting the car. Some of us have habits that take more time.
I have noticed if I am too quick with hitting the power button that the car doesn't shut down. It may be that you need 1 sec on the button to avoid accidental shutdowns. But yes I have noticed what you are talking about and now just look at the dash when shutting down and wait for t=it to go dark before lifting my foot off of the brake.
I don't think it's a timing issue. I think you didn't push the button all the way. That's happened to me a couple times, but since then I've learned to push the button just a little harder, and have never had a problem since. I usually exit the vehicle fairly quickly too. I also always hit park first, and engage the parking brake, whether on an incline or not (seriously, do you want that puny parking pawl to be the only thing holding your car in place?), so I'm not as much at risk of the car rolling away anyhow. Driving cars is so commonplace that people tend to forget they're operating heavy machinery. Just treat it with a little more respect, and it should treat you right.
This could happen if you press the power button before you have come to a complete halt, I expect. Or maybe the Prius needs a split-second's delay before it realizes you have stopped.
I almost always have the drivers door open as I coast to a stop in the garage. Then I press "Start/Stop". The car has always turned off. I do get the anal-retentive warning message and tone, of course. You do have to -firmly- press the "Start" button to shut off the car. I use the door and a mark on the garage wall to position the car when parking. So I can still open the hatch if I have to - it's a small garage.
The exact same thing happened to me a couple of months ago and my Prius almost jumped the curb and hit the front of a store I was parked at. I jumped back in to the car at the last second to hit the brakes (nice save). Since then, I make sure that I press the "PARK" button before I turn the car off - better to be safe than sorry.
Amen Ichabod! I'm trying very hard to get myself to set the parking brake every time. Soon I hope it's as automatic as locking the car doors has become. I don't even think about that any more.
The only warning may be to you as this is an 11 year old thread with only 1 member being present in the last week. And he doesn’t even own a Prius anymore.