Gang, read this entire post start to finish. I know someone's gonna go off half-cocked if I do not insist that it be read completely. Then, being half-cocked is a personal problem, LOL! Toyota's raised the base price of the Prius by $300. That said, it was less than I expected and certainly what the market will bear. The CIRC system in dealerships will enable anyone with a Prius request placed by their dealership by March 9th, 2004, to get that $300 cash increase back from Toyota NATIONAL in 6-8 weeks after buying their car -- it is not applied at the dealership level. Anyone requesting a car after March 10th will pay for their car based on the increased MSRP with no additional refund/compensation from Toyota. The way the customer info is entered into the database will have to match the car's sale information or Toyota will never know to send the pre-March 10th vehicle request already in the system refund $. Dianne
I "requested" (put a deposit down) on a prius in january, but when does the dealer put it into the CIRC system? the allocation before me was Feb 18, so the dealer probably put in my request then, right? I know you don't know my dealer, and I have e-mailed him, but would that be typical? brian
e-mail from my dealer: Good morning Brian, You are right, that there is a $300 price increase coming soon. The good news is that your car will probably be here before that and will not be affected. However if it had been, you would still get the rebate. Procedurally what happens is that we submit your order confirmation (which we already have done) then you pay the new price and Toyota sends you a check for the $300 within 4-8 weeks. Again, we anticipate that your car will be allocated around the 20th of this month which is well ahead of the price increase deadline of early April. Brian
Woo-hoo! Mail-in rebates! Why don't they set up a separate web site and let customers order this thing like they would order a PC from Dell? 2004 Toyota Prius As Seen On TV! Now from $19995 After $300 Mail-In Rebate Rebate Details
Tag wrote: I know you were only joking but, it brings up the scary idea of someone trying to integrate that into the Nav Screen and surfing while driving.
Wait -- why should we pay the new price, when we have a contract with the original price on it?!? I'm sorry, but Toyota needs to honor their contract! The price increase should only affect those who sign a new contract after the price increase goes into affect!
The trick is that most people do not have any kind of contract, only an indication of interest held by a deposit.
Even if a purchaser has a contract with a stated price (i.e. an actual number), typically there will be a clause reciting the fact that the manufacturer has the right to change the price without notice to the dealer and, in the event such change occurs, the dealer may change the cash delivered price to the purchaser. The good news (which isn't all that "good") is that the same clause usually provides that the customer has the right to cancel the order.
Yep, it's kinda like how when your wireless carrier changes their TOS (which they do about every 2 months in my experience) you have 30 days to declare your contract with that company null & void since they have changed the terms of the original contract. It's a great way to cancel your wireless service and continue getting all the new phones for free
It just noticed (I think it happened only recently) that now shows the increased MSRP. Also, I have noticed (at least for some NC dealers) that I no longer can browse the incoming inventory. I'm not sure if that is a change from Toyota or there just really is no incoming inventory.
Ed, You can try this address for the inventory info. The only reason I have it is because I put each NC dealer in my favorites. Carl
I signed the papers for an order on Sunday, March 28th. for a 2005, and the dealer had to leave a price out of the top line and put this: MSRP Price at time of delivery............ There's not too much you can do about it, when the dealer dosen't have a clue if there will be an increase or not. Newark Toyota World of Newark, DE, so far seems like an honest sales group (if there is such a thing).
Two things 1. Toyota is not the only car manufacturer that increase the prices. I was into a chevy dealer yesterday with my farm truck and found out trucks went up $323.00 on the MSRP. 2. Did anyone check out the toyotaweb site listed 2 or 3 links above. Go to the last page and click on the last 2004 Prius link to see the options on the car. You will notice that this car has package 9 and the dealer is also charging $299.00 for the rear view mirror with Homelink (which is included with Package), Interesting.