Today I pulled the car out of the garage and it was sitting out for about an hour when the alarm went off. I went out immediately as I have never had the alarm go off on my Prius. I did not notice anything when I went to check the car so I reset the alarm and went back in. Two hours later I got in the car to go to a store and the tank is empty (last pip flashing). The car was full the night before and was in the garage all night. What's weird is that there is nothing missing in the car except the gas. Has anyone else had their car broken into just to steal the gas?^_^
Are you sure you didn't leave it on all night? You did not mention how much gas was in the car the night before. On a full tank it would not be down to the last pip even if it did run periodically all night to charge the 12v battery. I have never has fuel stolen from my Prius.
even on a cold night with the heat running, you would only use a couple pips overnight... no where near a full tank.
Hmmmm..... Very interesting..... How to siphon a Prius???? The only easy way I know of is to pop the hood and separate the quick disconnect on the fuel line and then activate the fuel pump to pump the fuel right out through the line..... but that requires a scan tool capable of turning the pump on..... or jumping across the terminals for the circuit opening relay, which powers the fuel pump directly. I suppose it's possible.....
So did you leave it unlocked? Damn Oxnard is a rough place stealing gas from a Prius I guess they knew it would have gas.
Actually, the gas was not taken after all. What happened was even stranger. I got back into the car after the police came out. Started the car and the last pip was flashing and a low fuel on the screen. Then after putting the car into reverse the guess gage came back up to one pip less then full and checking the consumption screen showed zero miles. I have had the car for a year and never experienced anything like this. The only thing I can think now is some sort of weird issue with the computers. I wonder if some sort of static discharge could have caused this. The humidity was very low here today. The car is acting fine now.
my only guess at the top of my head is that you parked the car on an incline and that can throw off the float in most cars
Before the topic moves towards aliens from outer space messing with your Prius (using a low humidity hydrostatic discharge beam...) , lets just be on the safe side of caution, and just blame it on the oil companies. First, they steal your money when you fill it up... then, they steal the gas back out of your car....
... and when you call the coppers and it looks like they have met their match so they beamed it right back into the tank again. Bloody oil companies!!
Well, I was curious, so a plotted all the reported alien-gasoline-abductions on google maps and found a very strong correlation:
I KNEW IT!! They were in Albuquerque, NM.... Surprising though... I thought Los Angeles would be infested with them.... but nay a sighting.... hmmmmm
I'm surprised I'm the first one to ask this question: How far had you driven between filling the tank and parking the car in the garage? The gauge takes a couple of minutes to register full after you fill the tank. If you drove only a block between filling and parking, maybe (???) the gauge didn't have time to register full yet. Just a thought.