In edition to the standard Prius Hood there will be a Limited Edition Leather Prius Hood Shade for your Nav/Information screen to keep the glare off. Made from the Finest Grade A Black Leather that's only used in fine furniture. The under liner of the hood will be a black smooth satin. For those who want information on Prius Hoods just visit the Sponsers page on Prius Chat and click banner. Thank You, Robin
Gotta admit, the topic title got my attention, but initially brought up some strange and vaguely disturbing images before I actually read the post... :lol: But it's probably just me... Please post a picture when you have one completed!
Piggy, Piggy're a naughty minded piglet!! And you Red Robin, I've got kids for gonna milk me til I'm broke buying MFD hood upgrades. I GOTTA have the leather to match my leather steeringwheel cover!!