i want to open een topic about the actual max en low fuel price in the us! and i want to update the firts post from me in this topic to keep it up to date! its around 3 dollars now per gallon? for petrol
I just paid $2.86.9 at Sam's Club in central Virginia. Regular gas has not gone over $3 here (yet!) DM
Costco in Fountain Valley, Calif is $2.90 to $3.04 depending on the week. Also, it depends on which Costco you frequent. Garden Grove Costco is $.04 to $.06 less, whereas, its 4 to 6 cents more at the Irvine Costco.
here in new york its around 3.25 give or take a few seems so weird how much it differs from state to state
What's your question? Are you looking for the highest and lowest prices? It varies a lot by time but you can lookup the daily averages by state at http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/sbsavg.asp. You can also look up prices in individual averages for metropolitan areas.
ok sorry thats just whaty i wanted to do! stil nice to have people talk about the gas prices and ik wil put the link on the firts post
Good question. $3.33 in Santa Barbara. Down from $3.43. When I get my prius I will save a dollar every other month.
$2.91 here in the North Suburbs of Chicago. I could really care less why gas is going down, just that it is. Any way you look at it, your still saving $$$ over driving something else! It just costs even less to fill up.
Interesting seeing the variations based on location. It's $2.75 in the Denver suburbs. I was just talking on the phone to a friend in Scotland this afternoon, and she was aghast at how cheap gas is here.......