Interesting, a surge in oil prices results in an immediate price increase at the pumps, yet when it plummets, pump prices are heistant to fall... Oil folks have been saying, essentially, it's because the existing inventory was purchased at those higher prices... Now, I'm not too familiar with fuel inventory concepts at the local pump level, but I do have trouble believing fuel retailers, or even their suppliers, stock such amounts of fuel such that it might take months of consistent "low" prices to see a significant drop at the pump. Although there IS some logic to it, I was always under the impression local retailers and their suppliers, don't go around stock piling their fuel for anything longer than a few days/weeks at most.... Wth??? Hmmm....
Re: Isn't It Interesting... Gas Prices Sluggish to Go Down... Hey SQUID!!!!! We have a gas station here in orlando that is selling gas for 4.49 a gal for reg-unleaded.....! They dont post the price on the sign, however its in the little window on the pump.. Most of their business is from turists that dont know any better.....
Re: Isn't It Interesting... Gas Prices Sluggish to Go Down... Wow. The OP was EXACTLY one year ago today.
Re: Isn't It Interesting... Gas Prices Sluggish to Go Down... I was logged in earlier, and for some reason the forum was sorting by date in reverse, so all the old posts were first... it really confused me for a bit until i figured it out... I'm surprised there aren't more revivals of really old posts!
Re: Isn't It Interesting... Gas Prices Sluggish to Go Down... Oh Duh....... Dang it... I thought MS had returned.... I didnt even think of looking at the post date. I just hit veiw new posts...