Greetings to All, Sorry this did not post correctly the first time due to PC software upgrade Today was the first day that I had driven the PRIUS with the grill completely blocked. I do have the Scangage to monitor the coolant temperature. I wanted to first track the operating temp prior to blocking the grill. My one-way commute is 77-miles at with 85% on the highway. Prior to the blocking the grill the coolant temp on the highway is 184 degrees. The outside temperate does not seem to effect this over the last 30-days. Today the temperature is hanging around 200 degrees, with swings up to 206 degrees. Is this normal? My one concern is that of the inverter coolant system. Any thoughts that you might want to share is greatly appreciated. This is one great car, and only wish that I had purchase 2-years ago instead of waiting until this year. Keep It Green Victor
You are running a bit high. My normal coolant temperature when warmed up is 85C, 185F. Since you are running mostly on the highway, I'm not sure the radiator block buys you much since you'll be in the higher power ranges most of the time anyway. I would recommend cutting down your radiator blocks until you bring the temperature back down to 85C, 185F. Then keep that spare part for 'city' driving. The goal is to get to operating temperature, 85C, and stay there. But the problem is for every 10C increase in temperature, the MG motors age is cut in half (Google up motor temperature )Since the motor generators and inverter are located on the driver side of the car, you might start by opening up that side first. But it would be a better idea if you had some measurement of their temperatures. Bob Wilson
Based on the specification of the Prius thermostat, it starts to open at 82C(180F) and it fully opens at 95C(203F). We saw the normal coolant temperature is around 88C(190F). Anyway, the radiator is fully working above 203F and is going to a overheating range. Ken@Japan
Thank You Guys for the response. I did open up the lower grill bar and the temp has returned to the 184 degree range. Note that the outside temperate at the time was 36 degrees.
Re: What's Your Water Temp? I have a question, where do you read the engine temperature? I have a new 2008 Prius. Thanks
Re: What's Your Water Temp? You have to use an external device - such as a scangauge - to read the coolent temps.
Re: What's Your Water Temp? I have been reading posts for weeks and blocked off my grill. I was wondering were to buy a scan gauge for the prius.
Re: What's Your Water Temp? At the top of this and all pages is a section that has some BT tech products. just click on the highlighted items and when the next site pops up click on Prius Performance products and its right there. I have one, and in Chicago where the temp is dropping fast this week (high of 7 tomorrow) My water temp shows between 170-185F full block on the grille.
Re: What's Your Water Temp? Unblock the grill until you have a scangauge. It's too easy to overheat if you're not monitoring the temp.