Hiya all, It takes a year to dial by name.. even longer to do by number. Press the talky head on the steering wheel.. Wait for lady to talk then you say dial by name.. wait for her talking more and hit the talking icon again. Name said.. hit talking icon again.. say dial.. Is there a way to take out all that new instructions steps.. I want to press button and hear the ding right away not the lady talking after everything i do.. What i want to know is there a way for speedy way to do all this.. Like press button and i dont hear the instructions at all just a ding.. Then i say name and it dials right then? that would be nice.. Other wise i could just dial on my cell phone and have it go hands free but then that not all hands free.. I havent searched the forums in detail or in the menu system yet (of the car). just thought if there is a way i will look into it more. WooT
I recall being able to turn off some of the voice prompts from the setup screen. I don't recall whether it affects the voice dialing prompts. Tom
Cool guys.. i will mess around in menu MFD.. Thing for me to do i think is get a phone mount and put iphone next to MFD.. when i hit number it goes auto to handsfree over speakers.. Fast just find contact and hit button.. i did add most of my contacts to the MFD phone book.. so perhaps i will try the speed dialing feature.. However i do like making funny names for my friends.. Like my buddy Leeturd lol. Im not really one that uses cell phone all time when driving i just use when needed or wife calls to give me hard time.. "where are you!?" hehe.. Safety first.. What i really hate is when you come up behind someone who is in the fast lane and they are going below speed limit on cell phone.. they are totally unaware of their surroundings... BTW the fast lane in the USA is a joke.. if it was europe they would be ran over.. you dont even drive in the fast lane in Europe u only pass in it.. WooT
FYI, this will allow you (well, ideally your passenger) to use the MFD phone book while driving among other things: LOCKPICK 3 It works good for me so far (although some on this board have complained about customer service issues with this company).
jhall thanks for info.. yea i read some of the threads on the company.. I noticed on your sig you disabled the backup beeping (which is purty annoying) unless its outside telling peeps around you.. I kinda know im backing up i put in R to begin with.. so i dont need the beeping to tell me that Was that a lockpick feature or you can do in MFD menu? again im not at my car atm so i cant check for myself and im lazy.. Also i like chating it up on this forum Also you said you removed the hubcaps and added center caps to the alloys.. you added what center cap? the ones from hubcaps or something else? also to get caps off did you use screw driver? WooT
lol.. exactly. It's odd. our laws state the fast lane as a passing only lane... but.. yeah.. no one gets it... like the guy pulling a horse trailer on 85 today.. grr.. sorry.. had to say it.
First time replying with quote.. hope it worked Yea i feel like a big complainer and a bit off topic but dam i really do hate when peeps drive in fast lane unaware and causing more traffic build up.. Also im not a bat out of hell i just like going speed limit when its possible and some of these morons make it impossible.. If everyone shifted one lane over from left to right it would be a ton better.. most of time the slow lane is empty.. Maybe they should just change law that slow is fast and vice versa.. since all the morons wouldnt kno the law anyhow then it would be clear in far right for us ;D If your reading this and your a person that just drives in fast lane no matter what just get over one lane plz ;D after u passed who ur passing and its clear over to right get over that is how it works thanks WooT
You can do the reverse and seatbelt (I leave my seatbelt one on) disable without any mods to your car. Check this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/11929-list-known-hacks-easter-eggs.html The Lockpick is for allowing (the passenger ) use of the full phone features and navigation input while driving and allowing Audio/Video input to the MFD. To get the caps off (http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/38491-plastic-hubcaps-off.html), you can just pull them off with your hands assuming you have the touring. This leaves a hole in the center of the wheel which you can fill in with a center cap (http://www.metrotpn.com/ProductDetails.aspx?CollectionID=25&ProductID=198&SortIndex=26).
The first thing that people should do is to stop calling them slow and fast lanes. The normal lane, 1st overtaking lane, 2nd overtaking lane sound good to me.
Pardon me for partially hijacking this thread, but in a smiliar vein, I'm confused as to whether I can voice dial while the car is moving (I've just set up the phone today). When I tested the setup today, it seems to me that you can only voice dial when the phone book screen is present, but on my 2008, the phone book button is "grayed out" while the car is moving and the only button that I can activate is speed dial (and I can't voice dial from the speed dial screen). What am I missing here? Surely there must be a way to voice dial while the car is moving.
While moving, begin by pressing the Off-hook switch. That will put the speed dial screen on the MFD. Now press the VR talk switch, and say "dial by name", or "dial by number". If you chose name, It will then take you to the phonebook screen ,where you press the talk switch and it prompts for name. (Contact names must have been previously recorded by you). IF you choose number, it will take you to the keypad screen and when you push the talk switch it will prompt for the number. Voice recognition works really well for me, but the process is tedious because of all the back-and-forth command-response stuff gets old. I just use speed dials for the routine numbers and my actual phone for the rest. It all works the same way when you are not moving, but you can begin the "dial..." commands with the talk switch from any screen. (The fact you have begin by pushing the off-hook switch ,while moving, is a flaw IMHO> (Otherwise the command-response routine has an unnecessary need to repeat the command).
Is there a voice command for speed dialing? What's the point in setting up the speed dial list if there is no voice command, then?
You can use the speed dial list while moving. It's the only voiceless (i.e., quick) way to call out on the move, short of getting out your phone and dialing it.
I take it this must be a 2006 or newer item? I tried it on my 2004 and it either does some erroneous command, or takes me to the list of available commands and none are in relation to dialing... Thanks, Levi