No, China already has the pink slip to the USA but if they cut our credit they also commit economic suicide since USA is their # 1 customer The USA & China are married economically speaking w China having access to the bank account It would be very silly to start a war w your best customer
Europe, Russia, and China are opening up an expedited frieght rail line that will allow quicker shipment of goods than ship between them. China won't always need the US.
May be true at a surface level, but billions of dollars buys a lot of hearts and minds....and someone with that much money knows those strings.
The European economy is in a lot worse shape than the US, they have high unemployment & the Euro is so high nobody is buying their stuff The Russians, well they have a few billionaires but most everybody else is broke Besides nobody likes buying cheap worthless Chinese crap like Americans
funny thing here the presses are telling te same thing but then 180 around us is going for resession and EU economics are good and can profit from the growing china market. that whats in the papers here. and i have been buying MADE IN CHINA stuff for a realy long time. and russia wil have cheap working class people that like in china can build cheap things and because it close to eu transport is cheaper to.