Hello all, I have a 2008 Pck5 Prius, and I was wondering if that comes with the latest DVD GPS version, or if, there's a newer version one. I dont know which version I have... so i was wondering whats the latest version, and what version comes in the 2008 models. Thanks.
A friend has a 2003 and wants to know if there is an update to the GPS system out there?? Hope someone answers us. turtle0747
well, i found out my version which is 7.1, i think thats the latest one. But I've found the 7.1 DVD image around in the internet for download, but its already what i have.
All the Toyota dealerships receive a GPS Map Data cross-reference chart once yearly (usually around this time of year...January). The chart lists the model years, the latest map version number and part number. Contact your local dealership parts department and they should be able to give you accurate information quite easily. I hope you've got deep pockets! Some people say it's not worth the money, but I buy a new disc every year and I'm always glad I did. The most noticeable changes are the Points of Interest (POI). Businesses such as restaurants come and go at an alarmingly fast pace. There's nothing like driving ten miles to a POI that closed its doors 6 months ago. That'll waste some gas. And what is your time worth?
I bought a 2007 and it came with the outdated mapping software. I "got my hands on" a 7.1 disc and upgraded.
is updating as simple as ejecting the old dvd(s) & loading the new ones? is there just 1 disc or is there a separate disc for each region of north america?
i think you just put it in and it loads itself... im not sure, bu i do know if a pretty big dvd, almost 4GB so all maps regions may be in there.
How can one tell which "version" of his GPS is in his car? One guy, below, says that his is a "7.1" Where do I look for my version number? As you may see, my car is a 2007, and manufactured with the factory GPS in mid-2007. While traveling in the mountains of Northern California during the holidays, my car could not find my friends' street. It got within about two blocks away. The friends said that somebody else's Lexus had guided them right to the front door of that same house(!). Is my version OLD, or does Lexus have a superior type? Moreover, this was my FIRST trip after purchasing the car. The GPS guided me up and over a snowy and icy mountain in the dark of night. Later, I was told that there was a much easier way to get to my destination!
1 DISC --its a DVD; while the regional discs you mentioned are CDs- typically for 2-year or older European cars)
You could try your hand at this eBay auction: eBay Motors: Toyota Lexus Navigation DVD ver.7.1 Gen 5 North America (item 110369504123 end time Mar-31-09 20:49:00 PDT) Good luck.