So I've been lurking here for a week or two, doing my research, and I'm proud to say that this evening I picked up my first new car ever. A 2008 Seaside Pearl package 2!!!! It's amazing. Can't believe how fortunate I am. Drove the ride home with Bob Dylan's Modern Times playing, my eyes half on the road half on the MPG screen watching it go up and down. Can't wait to do some exploring! I'm coming from a 96 ford taurus wagon with 156,000 on it, which has had issues for the past 50,000. But now.....ahhhhhhhh. Glad to join the ranks I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really excited for my ride to work tomorrow.
You will never look back. I just hope the car does not turn you into an obsessive Prius fruitcake like me. All the best on your first ral play.
Congratulation on your new Prius! And welcome to Priuschat. Great to see another member from around Boston join. When the weather improves I hope we can get another group meet set up. Have fun commuting - and be careful of icy spots. Any pictures yet?
I feel a wave of smugness coming out of Boston and it feels fine. Enjoy the Prius and try to understand that some people just wont get it, their loss. Happy mileage blasting.
While getting a new car always feels really good, sometimes getting rid of the old one turns out to be the best part of the whole thing Z.
Really? I did. Unless, of course, high mpg is all you are looking for. There are other solutions to fuel consumption though. Such as carpool. Or driving less. Or moving closer to work. Besides, you have to include energy spent during new car production as well as transporting car over the Pacific in unregulated oil-burning ocean liner.