I am picking up a new 40" flat screen HDTV on Thursday. Will the Prius have enough room for the box when I put the backseat down? I don't know the exact demensions of the box so I can't measure but I am guessing it will fit. Since it is a flat screen, the box will be much flatter than a conventional TV. I wondered if anyone has gotten a TV in the back and how it fit. Thanks.
Just FYI: The last couple LCD TVs I've purchased had warnings on the box that they need to remain upright. If you choose to heed this warning, the height of the cargo area will be the limiting factor, not the width between the wheel wells.
Just FYI: The last couple LCD TVs I've purchased had warnings on the box that they need to remain upright. If you choose to heed this warning, the height of the cargo area will be the limiting factor, not the width between the wheel wells.
I bought a 50 inch panasonic plasma from a place here in Chicagoland called ABT electronics and the experts there said its recommended to keep upright but not manditory. I layed mine down on the recomendation by them that after you get it home stand it upright and dont do anything with it for 45 min. that lets all the "Juices" inside it to go back to normal positioning. I bought it two years ago Just before the superbowl and have never had any kind of problems at all. regaurding the 40" set, you might need to actually take it out of the box to get it to fit. If you bring blankets, it should fit okwith the seats down. Good luck, and dont forget the surround sound!!
I'm not going to wade into the "keep it upright" debate, except to say that this seems like a warning that makes more sense for plasma TVs than for LCDs. What I *can* tell you is that my 32" LCD *easily* fit into the back of our Prius when we were moving recently. Actually, we were able to lay it down in the back and still get a bunch of other stuff in there, too (no heavy stuff on top of the TV, of course). From my experience, I suspect you'll be able to get your 40" TV in, but it may take a bit of doing (including taking it out of the box as Clubford suggests) to make it fit. Just as a rough guess, I suspect that the TV in the box is no taller than 40", so as long as the cargo compartment is 40"+ wide, you should be fine. I don't think the width of the TV will much matter, as long as you're OK with putting the seats down. EDIT: Hmmmm. . . after some reading online, it seems that the issue with transporting HDTVs upright is one of stress on the display glass. In order to minimize flexing (and possible cracking) of the glass, it is apparently best to transport it upright (i.e. in the orientation it will be viewed). Now, this also seems to be an "abundance of caution" type of warning, since there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of people moving them flat with no problems. If I had to do it again and I couldn't ship it upright, I'd lay it flat in the back of the car with the screen side up and drive *very* carefully (it'll help your MPGs and keep your TV safe(r)!)
Thanks for all of your input. I did look on the Sony website and found the dimensions of the TV without the box. They are: 39.5" x 27.1" x 10.4" (992 x 688 x 265mm) with pedestal; 39.5" x 25.3" x 4.8" (992 x 643 x 122mm) without pedestal I will have to go home and measure the car to see how it compares. Hopefully we won't run into any problem. I will plan to bring some blankets for cushioning as a precaution.
I will. The warning is simply one of packaging/liability. I've transported the same 32" LCD in the back of my Prius several times now, all with the screen face up unboxed. It was no big deal. The 40" inside a box will easily fit in the Prius. .
I just bought a samsung 46" LCD tv. There were no problems laying it down flat, fit just fine. If yours doesnt fit, then its probably an error on the box, and the tv is actually a 60".
I also bought home my 46 inch Samsung LCD in the box in the back of my Prius. I carried it screen down and took it easy. It will take 2 people to load and unload. Don't drop it. (like you would) Remember in some states it is an offence to watch the TV while driving so try not to look at it in the mirror.
I bought a Sony 40" LCD TV and transported it home in the back of my Prius. Per suggestion of the sales people, I laid the box with the screen facing up. There's an arrow on the Sony box saying this side up. The TV fit easily. I probably could have fit a 46". (See the picture I took before I removed the TV from the Prius).
Wow. I love this site. Not only is there a response that is specific to the OP's situation, but there's a picture.
You guys on this forum are the best! I no longer need to worry about whether it will fit thanks to you. I am going right after work tonight to pick it up and can't wait to see the great picture on my new TV. I am bringing an old comforter to put down for a little padding and will lay the box flat with the screen up on top of that. THANKS!
The Sony 46" LCD I got a few years ago, didn't fit in the Prius. I had to borrow my parents' minivan for that.