In Sunday's NUMBERS TV episode, Breaking Point, Charlie in his Prius is chased by guys in a pickup truck who are trying to kill him. Watch the episode or scroll the video to the end where the chase begins and he is saved by using the fob Panic button. Click on "Watch Video" right hand top. Episode-Breaking Point NUMB3RS on CBS
I loved how shiny and undented the car looked in the next scene, parked in front of the house! It's a great show, IMHO, but they do seem to ignore the laws of time/space/gravity/reality sometimes. And I loved the fact that Professor Baluski wanted to put a 50kWh solar array on their roof! For comparison, our system is a mere 2.5kWh. What they heck are they producing in their basement?!?
What I've noticed is that with these kinds of shows they do do a lot of "time compression". What should take days or months to do in the course of an investigation, it takes them just minutes or hours. And what also should take dozens if not hundreds of investigators is accomplished with a handful. We get the flavor of an investigation, but not the meal. Such is the way of story telling on TV. I caught the over-sized solar array, too. I'm guessing the writer of this particular bit doesn't understand that, at least in CA, you can't earn money off of the solar array on your roof. You can zero your electricity bill, but anything above and beyond what you would normally consume is free electricity for the power company. And from what I understand, while a south-facing roof is good, what they really seem to want is lots of western exposure, at least in the summer, to maximize the amount of energy being produced at peak electrical rates. Also, looking at that house, I doubt you could cover it with enough arrays to produce 50kWh of power. I'm thinking that someone just pulled a big number out of a hat to make things sound impressive. Either that or somebody has suddenly increased the efficiency of solar cells by a huge amount...
Well for me, the fact the side window stopped the 9 mm bullet was the incredulous part. It would have gone through the window, Charlie, and the door on the other side! Also, as mentioned above, after the first hit by the PU on the rear bumpercover I saw NO damage. All right! I'm driving a tank! Do enjoy the series though. Although I have to suspend belief.
Well, if you suspend belief, all you'll be left with is disbelief. Then nothing will be believable you won't accept any of it. That would certainly make for an un-enjoyable viewing experience. Personally, I recommend suspending disbelief. Then you can accept everything as presented for the sake of storyline advancement and entertainment.