I'm awaiting delivery on my 2008 Spectra Blue Touring #6 next week and have been stocking up on goodies from the Prius store. I have purchased the BT chassis stiffening plate and am planning to install it as soon as I get my Prius home. I now see that a BT strut tower brace is availabe. Will this device add mcuh more stability than I will receive from the stiffening plate? Does anyone have experience with this brace yet, and is it easy to install. Thanks for your help. Marc in SC
I don't know if the BT front upper strut brace is shipping yet. It is a brand new product for Brian and the rest of the crew at BT Tech.
Best of luck with the new Prius! Be very careful with the BT Plate. There are some on PriusChat that claim BT Plate owners are subject to visual and sensory hallucinations!
Hi Marc, The strut tower brace should add some front end stability and reduce "lean-in" on turns. Here's an excellent recent thread started by Drees, with contributions by Apriusfan, on the subject of the effect of adding different suspension performance parts: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/40806-how-get-go-cart-handling-theory-least.html I already have the BT Tech Stiffening Plate, and have ordered the BT Tech Strut Tower Brace. When I get the Tower Brace, I'm going to read the installation instructions and decide then whether to do it myself or pay my mechanic/body shop guy to do it. Good luck with yours.
Hey Tom, Thank you for the useful information. I think I'll stick with the stiffening plate, the skid plate and see how the touring suspension does. I really exicted about receiving my car--it's coming off the boat in Jacksonville today and should be arriving in SC in 7-9 days. By the way, this site is phenomenal, thanks to the set up and the many helpful people. Thanks again, Marc
I was driving today on I-80 and all of a sudden I realized that I wasn't getting blown all over the road by wind and speeding trucks. This is the first time I can comfortly say the BT stiffening plate really does work. While the differance in stop and go traffic is at the most minimal, the siffening plate appears to work rather well on highway traveling.
Thanks for your feedback on our BT Tech stiffening plate!! For those of you that have one of our stiffening plates on order, we will begin to ship our newest batch on Monday of next week.
Did you all hear about the accident at the docks in Jacksonville? The news caught my attention because they said a whole container ship loaded with Prius was destroyed by an explosion. I wonder what that will do for availability?