DES MOINES, Iowa - Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the "meanest mom on the planet." After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone _ by placing an ad in the local newspaper. The ad reads: "OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet." 'Meanest mom on the planet,' from Iowa, sells teen son's car after finding booze Sounds reasonable to me! Son broke their agreement, gets his privilege revoked.
I love that. I'm the mother of an 18yo, 15yo and 10yo and completely agree, IF the parent/s bought and owned the car. I assume they did or they wouldn't legally be able to sell it. If there were repeated offenses, I'd probably bump my kids from my insurance - if they want to be foolish, they can literally pay the price.
Sounds like the proper response to me. Of course, I've always believed in moderation, but only when taken to extremes.
This follows the Dad who sold his son's Guitar Hero III because of a similar infraction. Right before Christmas. Kid knew he was getting it, broke the rules and Dad sold it. So close..... I love these articles. Responsible Parents. Fair consequences. And kids learning that "one more chance" isn't a God Given Right in real life. When you break the rules, there is a consequence you aren't going to like.
i read that earlier, i thought it was awesome. a real punishment like that will get that kid's attention. and hopefully the attention of other parents of misbehaving kids.
There should be SO much more of this kind of thing where it wouldn't even get the interest of the press. Instead it's the exception that parents act like parents. My kids have know what the word consequence means since the age of two.
I think that may have been on Jay Leno, but I heard this one somewhere the other day. I think its funny !!! good parenting, but funny !!!
I did not own any of the cars I drove in high school. I drove them purely on loan from my parents - assuming I followed all the rules. When I started college, I bought the car from my parents.
Good parenting. Why should that even make the news? My two knew that there were consequences for breaking the rules at age three. And I held them to it. There were times that they pushed the limits, I held firm and they were very unhappy. They are now adult, well educated, very well employed and compensated. Married and happy. When you have kids, you accept a heavy responsibility for 21 years. Yeah, I know that legally it is only through 18 years, but I really wanted mine educated. Now they are both working on a Masters and Doctorate. At their own expense.
OMG, this is FHOP, and everyone's in agreement on this thread. The world has just slipped off its axis !!
Just so you know: "A family of cute baby ducks had to be rescued after getting their mother in a flap when they fell down a drain in Shrewsbury. The eight ducklings, who were less than a week old, were pulled from the sewers in Hexham Way, near to the Rea Brook, by RSPCA officers yesterday. ... Elaine Williams, the animal collection officer called to the scene, said the mother had apparently walked across the slatted drain cover but when her babies had followed they dropped through the gaps." Apparently it's pretty common. THIS IS WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN DUCKS SIGH - Daily Plant Newsletter Vancouver Sun - Top Stories Kokomo Tribune; Kokomo, Indiana - Hospital workers save family of ducks Clips/duckling rescue.txt