It's that time, once again, for the Detroit North American Auto Show and all of the hoopla that it generates here. One of the waves that the Detroit 3 crowd is riding is the momentum building for going green. One of the automotive analysts, on the tube this morning said that the Detroit car companies are now getting that if you produce eco-friendly cars such as hybrids, that you don't have to pay for emissions control equipment on each car. DUH. Didn't they bother to really look at the issue before? I can just picture the light bulb going off in some auto execs head: 'wait a second, are you telling me that this tree hugger b***s**t will save us some money? why didn't anyone tell me that?' TV Clip Detroit Auto Show
I'm still skeptical. You get to have V8 power with a V6 engine. Yes. And 9 donuts is less fattening than 10.
lol.... reading that made a commercial pop into my head a detroit car executive slapping his forehead proclaiming "ah!! i could have had a V-4!!"
BusinessWeek's take on it: "There are some interesting models coming at this year's Detroit auto show, which is open to the public from Jan. 19-27, but based on advance publicity the offerings from Detroit are long on environmentally friendly concept cars and short on actual models likely to be on sale later in the year." They do, in the next sentence, mention that one actual model that could be a winner is the Saturn Vue hybrid which I hope turns out to be a win for GM. The more really good hybrids out on the road the better.
there was a mention that gm was introducing a concept "driverless" vehicle and says it can be on the road within a decade...about the only thing i can see that gm is doing right. however, i wonder about the 10 year plan. its not technically difficult...but the psyche of the driver will be a major hurdle. but it could reduce congestion 75%, fatal accidents by 98% if it works as advertised.
What did Toyota show at the Auto Show? A V10-powered supercar and another Crossover SUV? yyyyyyyeeeahOK