I can't believe that just because of a little bird poop these birds where driven out of their home by an A-hole building management company. :cussing:
AAHHHH When I read the thread subject, I thought someone was actually taking up the case to protect me. But alas, I guess not.
WITH YOUR HELP, AUDUBON WINS VICTORY FOR FAMED HAWK Great news! Audubon Society negotiators and the Co-op Board of a posh Manhattan building reached an agreement that will allow Pale Male and his mate Lola to rebuild their nest! Within days, a network of steel spikes that previously held Pale Male’s nest in place, and will hold his new nest in place, should return to the hawks' 12th-floor home, just in time for mating season. Many thanks for your inspiring commitment to help Pale Male by signing our petition. Your signature, and that of thousands upon thousands of other concerned citizens will help ensure Pale Male is going home for the holidays! As this is not the only or last fight we’ll see on issues that impact bird like Pale Male across the nation, we hope we can count on you to participate in future efforts to protect America’s special birds, as your involvement is truly effective! Just as our fight to save Pale Male’s nest proves, your help makes a world of difference! For more information, visit our website at: http://www.capitolconnect.com/audubon/