Driftwood Pearl with beige leather! We waited five weeks for this car. We love it! It looks champagne in the sun, silver with gold highlights in the shade or on a cloudy day.
Salsa Red, of course. Down at the bottom of my list is Barthelona Red. I bought a 2005, and I was disappointed to see them drop Salsa Red in 2006 in favor of that horrible candy apple oversaturated lipstick red. Yuck. ("So madler, how do you really feel about that?")
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels Salsa Red was really the better red. If I had my purchase to do again, I'd probably have gone w/ that color. There's a simple elegance to it. That being said, my Tideland does hide dirt well (minus the gloss).
Oh, Black Prii are really cool They are so slick and sleek Barcelona red is not for fools And really not for the meek! Silver Prii are classic looks All so shiny and new Spectra Blue is one for the books Too bad they just made a few I wish they all could be Magnetic Grey I wish they all could be Magnetic Grey I wish they all could be Magnetic Grey Prii
Living in Southern California, my preferred colors are the silver variants plus anything in the lighter shades, including white. Not only do these colors absorb less heat during the summer months, studies indicate they are involved in fewer accidents, due to their higher visibility factor, especially at dusk. Black is the worst color, on all counts. Anyone with any scientific knowledge knows that black bodies tend to absorb heat, so your black Prius will run the A/C more frequently in summer than a lighter colored one. rah
the new color for 08, spectra blue mica, will grow on you. i waited for over a month for a black touring but when i saw the spectra blue mica on the lot at night under the metal halide lighting, i knew it was the best.. sorry black, you lose, as do the rest of the other colors, which all come in 2nd, except for that s#*t brown, which needs to be cut
The Salsa Red is the best color, second I would say is the Magnetic Grey and a clsoe third is the new Spectra blue. The bule may have been a tie or better if it had been just a scooosh darker. The Salsa red is by far superior to the Barcelona red becuse the Salsa is a more sofisticated color which raises the status of the car. The Salsa is similar to the old Mercedes mulberry red which looked great. Barcelona red is like your 60 year old grandmother in a tube top. The color would look good on an MR2 or even maybe a Carolla SI but it just looks like the Barcelona Red Prius is trying to be something it is not.
Though I bought Barcelona Red because I'm middle aged-muddled and can't find my car/s in a parking lot, my most FAVORITEST color is Seaside Pearl, followed by: Silver Pine Mica, Spectra Blue, Barcelona Red and Magnetic Gray.
I'm a bit biased, I suppose - Barcelona Red Metallic. I must tell you, however, I pined over the color decision for several weeks before finally signing the papers - I know I drove the dealership crazy. First it was Black, no wait, then Seaside Pearl, then Barcelona Red, then Black again, then Seaside, and finally, Barcelona Red Metallic. So I picked her up yesterday - I am in love again. The sunroof is sooooo nice! Photos coming soon -
Silver Pine is the color. I was getting too tired of metallic Silver after having my last two cars Silver.
Please feel free to do just that. I always find I need to translate US specs and information to Australian specs and information so I figures it wouldn't hurt Americans to do it this once. I imagine Europeans are in the same boat.
Well, my last car was this silver/beige shade of Toyota that still looked good when it was dirty but right after a car wash didn't look much better... So when the time came to order our Prius, I vowed not to go the blah route. Was all set to go with either Seaside or whatever shade of Red that's offered on '08s when a last-minute plea from my teenagers sealed the deal. I am, after all, a Cool Chick... We all think it looks cool, too.
Super White! When I saw a picture on this site of someone's Prius in white I knew that was the color for me. It makes the car look so sporty.
The Package #2 choices on the lot in September were red, blue and black. We chose the blue, it is a lot prettier.
1. Spectra Blue 2. Salsa Red 3. Silver Pine Mica 4. Every other available color I tend to lean towards darker "rich" colors. I was two years too late for the Salsa Red and one year too early for the Spectra Blue but I'm very happy with my silvery green Prius.
Hubby's first choice was black, but the dealers in our area didn't have any in black with the package we wanted, so we went with Barcelona Red. It's the first red car we've ever had, and I can't imagine having any other color, except maybe the spectra blue.
OK, everybody seems to be ranking the colors. Here's mine: 1. Magnetic Grey (as if you needed to ask). In case you haven't heard the story before, I ordered Classic Silver. The dealer called back a couple of weeks later saying they had a Driftwood Pearl in with the same package as I ordered. I looked at it, and thought it was one of the ugliest colors I had ever seen. Now, for me, color is the LEAST important aspect of a car, but I had to draw the line somewhere, and here it was. A couple of weeks later, another call from dealer: A Magnetic Grey came in, same package. I came to look at it and fell in love instantly. It was even a cooler color than Silver! I took it on the spot, and have loved it ever since. A+ 2. Super White. This would have been lower in the list if I hadn't seen how easily it could be converted into a Shuttlecraft. A 3. Barcelona Red Metallic. Sassy! A 4. Classic Silver Metallic. "Classic" is right, for a good reason. This is what cars of the future are supposed to look like (and remember, we're in the future, kids!) A 5. Black. No comment needed. A 6. Seaside Pearl. Unusual (in a good way) looking. A 7. Silver Pine Mica. Not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't have turned it down. B 8. Driftwood Pearl. As I've seen more In Real Life, my initial horror has worn off (I originally described it as looking like "a shiny turd"). It's still not for me. C
Magnetic Gray is top on my list but then again thats what I ordered and am picking up today. Just something about the color it reminds me of the older chrysler mini vans that had a similar black/gray exterior. Black would be next choice Blue Silver Everything else is on the bottom of my list.