here's my rankings: 1. barcelona red (for some reason bright red looks good on sports cars and small cars, and dark red looks good on large cars & SUV's, this is why the new barcelona red is so much better looking than the older salsa red) 2. black (black cars are the best looking but only when new, after a few years the scratches and chips are just too obvious, black is the perfect color for any car if you are leasing or if its scratch-proof like a fiberglass corvette, but you have to live next to a carwash. I rank it the #2 choice if you are leasing but if its a purchase the ranking drops to #7) 3. seaside blue (the only attractive color for purchase pre-2007, that's why I chose it, seaside blue just seems to fits the prius' personality) 4. spectra blue (haven't seen one yet in person, but looks pretty nice on the toyota website, but with the darker blue the scratches will be more obvious in a few years compared to the lighter seaside blue) 5. white (a white prius is what the griffens drive on family guy, you'll spend most of your time at the car wash but small white cars look pretty good, especially with large aftermarket white wheels) 6. silver pine mica (everyone knows the prius is good for the planet, so why do some people with their ford escapes and prius' just have to get the car in green, its overkill, like putting an expensive fountain in front of a $6 million mansion) 7. salsa red (what a gorgeous color, i think the prius is just too small a vehicle for dark red to look good on, but it sure looks great on the much larger new Avalon) 8 (3-way tie). silver, gray or beige (ask anybody who owns a silver, gray or beige car why they bought it, and they never say, "its beautiful", instead, they always say "it hides the dirt so well". Sorry, but hiding dirt well is not a good enough reason to chose a color) agree or disagree, post your opinions and also post which color is your absolute favorite.
I didn't like any of the colors at first. My last car was black, and I agree that cars look good in black only when new. I wanted something very colorful this time. I eliminated everything except Barcelona Red, until they came out with Spectra Blue. Don't be too quick to pass judgment on it until you see it. It looks fabulous at night under a street light! By day, it looks like a cool, dark blue.
My favorite color is the next color darker than spectra blue. Hopefully a future color. With a gray interior. That will be my next Prius.
Spectra Blue is my favourite (same colour as the one on the Celica and last gen RAV4). Just don't tell Totoro that lol. Second is my colour Third is black. fourth is Salsa Red. It looks really subdued compared to Barcelona Red which just screams "look at me!"
Silver pearl looks classy Magnetic Bronze looks great! If it was available this was my first choice. White is spectacularly white and pretty Galaxy blue then Chrystal blue are happy colours that remind me of the clear sky and sparkling seas. Red Prius look like a distorted post box. A few years in Aussie sun and red looks crap Black is the other colour I could have got. No thanks, too hot and ages very badly. Pistachio is just green. I lived my childhood surrounded by green, no more please. I'll stick with Silver Pearl, class all the way.
For a (colour) translation, please visit the KB section and click on the Prius II standard features/options thread.
Living in a place where the predominant winter car color is "road salt", I love the way the silver pine doesn't look too dirty from a distance. After 3 black cars, having a car that doesn't look bad 5 minutes after you wash it is a relief. Having said that, the spectra blue is beautiful. . . .
my SO wants "her" Prius to be the met. gray... although she is now primary driver of my SPM. that was my color choice and my Previous Prius was Tideland so its definitely a sentimental 2nd... but the new blue is also nice so that would be 4th, with the gray being technically a tie for first
I don't think you can consider your car to have a color if a picture of your car looks the same on a black & white television as it would on a color television. So if hiding dirt isn't a reason to choose gray, silver or beige, please someone explain why on earth someone would choose one of these boring 'colors', I'm not just saying the prius looks awful in these colors, I'm saying every car, truck & boat on the planet looks ugly in these colors. & please don't say its classy cause that is way too vague of an explanation. Most Popular Car Colors, 2003–2006 — breaks down each year and what colors people liked the most. what is going on in this country? the top 4 colors in most vehicle categories aren't even real colors? your car gives total strangers a hint as to what type of person you are, the cars on the highways are so boring nowadays that its putting me to sleep.
They don't call it "Classic Silver" for nothing. Think about some of the colors from bygone days that now would make you blow chunks if you had it on your car. Classic silver may not be bright and cheery and all that other baloney but in 20 years it will still look good on the car and never be out of favor.
1. Seaside Pearl. Don't tell my wife, but it's my favorite color on a Prius 2. Silver Pine Mica. I love the subtleness of the green. I really liked the new Spectra Blue when it came out, but I saw one recently that was dirty/unwashed. It looked dull and boring (Maybe it's the ambient grayness in Seattle that sets it off.) And I'm neutral about my own color: Driftwood Pearl. When I ordered my car, I requested anything but red or black, and DP was what I got. The luck of the draw.
I'm looking to buy soon. I am torn between white, seaside, and grey. my current car is grey and shows road salt like a black car. i've had white before and liked it, and I think it looks good on the prius. seaside is probably the most "practical" color besides silver. I Zaino all my cars, so keeping them shiny and clean is a simple task anyways.
One nice thing about the Super white, is when you park it next to another Prius, it looks bigger. Seriously, the white just stands out! I also love the visibility factor (I've driven pretty cars, dark red or blue, that were just plain invisible on the road). And, even when it's a bit dirty, there is a visual cleanness that only white has. Spectra blue is pretty (I've seen it up close), but I love my white Prius
Well Barcelona Red is simply the best color, though I can't imagine why I have that opinion... I used Zaino on it; now I really appreciate the dirt hiding quality of the Metallic Silver that we had previously. I have to wash it every weekend when the weather gets above 10 degrees.