I know there is another Prius Etiquette thred, but it isnt the same kind of etiquette i am thinking of... i was going to ask if anyone knew of any good Prius to Prius etiquette that they would like to share.... I always wave at other prius drivers, i mean, why wouldnt i? they are awesome! look at how cool they are with their super sexy car! congrats my friend, you deserve a good olde wave and a smile! When in traffic, never hesitate to let other prius drivers in front of you, in essence these people are some of the only people on earth who understand you, they are your friends! let them in... and smile too! Whenever possible, when in a parking lot, and you see another prius, make an attempt to park right next to it. or if there are no others in the lot, then park with an empty space next to you, so another prius driver can come and sit next to you, because nothing is more sexy then a row of 2 or 3 of them in a parking lot... any others?
I always let another Prius in on the freeway. Also I tend to park next to another Prius not because two Prius' side by side look nice, but I can't imagine a Prius sideswiping another Prius!
I always smile at other Prius drivers, and sometimes wave. There are just not enough around Sydney, so have had very limited chance of seeing one in a parking area, let alone parking near one, but if I could, I would.
Rather than waving, we've moved to the thumbs up move... waving generally just makes the other person look at us nervously, like they wonder if they know us. Thumbs up seems to work well. I also prefer to park next to other Prii, as I figure the cars can socialize while I'm shopping.
Hey, it is not just etiquette. It is feelings for other Prius drivers. Tonight on the way home from work, I was following a white Prius. We were stopped at a red light, waiting to make a left turn onto the highway. The light changed and the white proceeded. What a close call. The on coming car must have been doing well over 50mph, in a 35mph zone. Lots of swerving, screeching. Thankfully,no collision. But I will tell you that the Prius horn leaves something to be desired. Anyway, no damage, although very close. I felt bad for the white driver, that had to be scary. I followed him for a couple miles until he turned off at the casinos. Ok, he takes chances. Hope he won some money tonight.
man and wife so its your a good wife to your prius or a good man to you prius wel maybe a good couple to your prius
I hardly ever acknowledge other Prius drivers. On Sunday afternoon last weekend, I was driving west on highway 80 through Berkeley, California. I noticed a new Prius coming up in the lane to my left which didn't yet have license plates and decided to give them the thumbs up. Just as they are passing me I turn and lift my thumb. Simultaneously, the guy in the front passenger seat does the same thing. When he heard about this, my son said a coworker used to think that was stupid, for Prius drivers to acknowledge each other. Now that he owns a Toyota FJ Cruiser, he does something similar for other owners. My son said that if you're driving a vehicle that looks like a Tonka truck, it's good to have support.
after almost 25,000 miles and 1 year of ownership. i have not yet been waved at. preliminary theory is that people do not wave at black Priora
two bicyclists did wave at me once, on south livermore ave. but im pretty sure that is because they were going through a red light, and not my choice of vehicles
Road courtesy should be practiced toward all drivers, not just drivers of Priuses. I'll return a wave if I notice it, but more likely I'm concentrating on driving. But I get lots of waves from all sorts of people when I'm driving my Xebra. I get big-time positive reactions from people I'd never have expected to. Rednecks in pickup trucks and skinheads and school kids and bicyclists all think it's great that I'm driving electric. My little three-legged clown car is a real attention-getter.
In South Australia it is common to wave to oncoming motorists when in the outback which is anywhere North of Port Augusta. A wave isn't franticly waving a hand but 1 or 2 raised fingers from a hand holding the top of the steering wheel. This is a wave I use toward other Prius drivers in the metro area.
I used to count the Priuses I saw on the road but in the San Francisco Bay Area, they're all over the place! I had lunch with a friend who worked at Google and I swear, every third car was a Prius. It'd be hard to wave at everyone there! You'd never put your hand down!
Okay, but shouldn't people driving EVs at least smile at Prius drivers? *blink* I was in Olympia, and was totally IGNORED by an EV at a stoplight. I mean, gee whiz.