I came across a few posts talking about the battery dieing after 100,000 miles. Is this really true? I also read that it costs $4,000 to replace. This kinda sucks, that's not really an expense I wanna pay, but what choice do I have then? I have had my car for roughly 10 months and put 16,000 miles on it. I drive a lot! A 4k battery is a bit scary? Any info regarding how long this batter exactly last? Anyone know how much the battery + machanics rate will go for?
Have you seen the reports of 300k+ miles on the original battery too? The battery is expected to last the life of the vehicle. While there may be an odd case that dies prematurely it's not an expectation and it shouldn't be a concern.
300,000 miles is a great number, I do not plan on owning the car half my life but you never know.... have the link to that article?
A search around will find several cases....here's the famous Jesse with his Classic (with inferior battery technology):
In Germany and Florida, two of the earlier Prius are running around on traction batteries that were user repaired for less than $100. I helped with the one in Florida. Regularly we find traction batteries for sale on Ebay for a couple of hundred or more from salvage cars (wrecks.) So if you don't have to go new, used is very attractive. Bob Wilson
My best friend still has his Classic Prius with the original battery in it. Right now his odo reading is at apx 170K miles.