Toyota Prius sales pass Ford Explorer in US Americans bought more Toyota Prius hybrid petrol-electric hatchbacks in 2007 than Ford Explorer sports utility vehicles, the top-selling SUV for more than a decade. The change of fortune, buried in US vehicle sales data for 2007 and unthinkable a few years ago, will find an echo at this year’s Detroit auto show, which starts on Sunday. While Prius sales soared 69 per cent in 2007, demand for the Explorer was less than a third of its 2000 peak. Many Americans are replacing truck-based SUVs with crossover vehicles, which are built like cars, thus offering a smoother ride and better fuel efficiency. Toyota began selling the Prius in North America in 2000, the same year Explorer sales reached a record 445,000 units. / Companies / Autos - Toyota Prius sales pass Ford Explorer in US
the only limitation with the # toyota could make, if they sold 50K prius its cause they only were able to make 50K prius. If they sold 80K prius nationwide its cause they were only able to make 80K prius. although i think the hybrid boom is slowing down cause the website is showing incentives up to $2000, but i'm sure that figure is only for a fully loaded prius, i bet a not-so-well loaded prius may only have around $800 or $1200 incentive, but all that is better than no incentive. prianista, you are a lucky bastard. I think the barcelona red is the only color that is more beautiful than my seaside blue. & with the larger wheels/spoiler on the touring your car must be absolutely gorgeous. The next time you rotate your wheels, see if you can take the wheel covers off & use just the gunmetal alloys underneath to give your car that aftermarket look w/o spending any real money, just tint the windows a little to complete the look and your car would look even more amazing!!!
When there is talk of a new model coming and a shape has been around for as long as the current shape Prius it is common for factory incentives to be offered to move product faster. As you say, the incentives most likely apply to high spec cars because manufacturers make good profit on extras.
Here in the Chicagoland Area, there are no Incentives on the Prius. There is a Special APR on the Camry including the Hybrid, but that's all. Have to say, after owning the Prius for just over a month, I love it more and more Everyday !!