i don't believe in most conspiracies, i think the moon landings were real, no aliens at area 51, and CIA didn't kill JFK. however, there is 1 conspiracy you all need to know about: have you ever noticed that there isn't a single auto manufacture that will sell you a single driver's floor mat? $75 for a set of 4 mats is a little high but certainly not a rip-off considering the fit and quality. Problem is, what if my other 3 mats are pristine cause I don't have kids? why should I waste so much money. I bet the drivers mat is only worth $25, the passenger is worth $25, and both rear mats are worth $25, and this is at the outrageous dealer markup. I want to replace my driver's mat with a OEM mat but my other 3 mats will last 10 years. even the mats at the stores come in at least a 2 pack for $20, and they don't fit very well. sometimes this site buy things in "bulk" & sells them to the members at the bulk savings price. I bet if this website tried they could easily get an OEM quality and OEM-fitting mat for less than $15 each. Each member could buy several in gray or beige and even with shipping & handling it would be well worth it & we could replace just the driver's mat every spring, keeping our interiors looking nice w/o filling up landfills with perfectly good passenger and rear floor mats. so if anyone knows some1 in the "prius shop" section of this site, ask them to read this thread and consider what I am asking them to do.
I think that this is a case of packaging and distributing. It may cost more to get the single floor mat than the whole set. Here is why. When a product is packaged up the process is automated to produce, distribute, market and sell that product. The whole system is geared for that product. So very little labor is involved in each procuction and transaction. When you request a deviation, then human labor must be expended at each phase. This will probably make the single product more expensive then the combined. We produce books and sell them retail. Sometimes people request special items or just a few pages. I tell them just go buy a complete book and cut out the pages. They usually say that they don't want to pay for the whole book. I try to explain to them that for us just to get them a few pages will cost a lot more then a complete book due to the extra labor cost, shipping, billing and collection process. Hope this helps.
yes we all know that when you buy a 5-pack hanes t-shirts you will pay less per shirt then if you bought the 3-pack, but that doesn't stop them from selling 3-packs. but don't you think they would sell way way more floormats if dealerships offered just the drivers mat for sale instead of forcing all 4 upon you for $75. all that does is force you to buy the $20 2-pack at auto zone or wal-mart, i'm writing my congressman, lol
I wish the drivers side mat had the little black rubberized part so that it didn't wear out in that area. This would solve allot of issues.
I know that this is completely off topic, but why the hell would someone want to cut pages out of a book? Why not photocopy? Maybe I am missing something... but.... huh???
They could choose to sell them individually. Hell, I'd gladly pay half the price of a full set just for one merely to avoid the ridiculous waste of material. They just don't think it's worth the bother.