Quietly cruising while all around is madness. Commuting is fun. Now there's a statement I never thought I'd make. Until I got the Prius, I always lamented the drive....
In case no one else has commented, I LOVE your avatar and signature, Pixie! Full bling? Excuse me while I go hug my car? Classic. It made me chuckle and smile, thanks. Love my Prius--only 3/4 bling (#7 2004).
Environment care got me where I am today - hugging my Prius. Man, I wish I'd made this connection weeks ago when I was trying to pick a vanity plate. I mean, I knew I hugged my car, but I didn't realize I was a "car hugger" until just now. LOL, thanks, Finman!
My favorite part of the car-hugging avatar is the protective fabric it appears Pixie has placed between herself and the car, mid-embrace, which shows total car/human hug premeditation. Way to be safe, Pixie! A question, though... Would it be accurate to say this photo is auto-erotic? :lol: Sorry, all, I just had to. Brad
Yes, nice touch! Reminded me of the photo of Jeff Kash with his Prius and a woman on the hood of her Escalade. Note that she didn't bother with any form of "protection". [Broken External Image]:http://home.earthlink.net/~jkash1/images/KashPrius.gif
Ahahahaha! I had not noticed the cloth under pixie. I hug Prius too! Haven't been able to hug mine yet... but its fun! I even got wet once because it had just rained on the Prius..
If you don’t haiku topic drift will then ensue. bad forum JuJu Pixie Dust on an already perfect car can induce heinous consequences! :silly:
>>There is now! But six syllables in the last sentence?<< I counted and counted, Tag. Then I even consulted Websters. Unless you talk like Jeff Foxworthy fuel only has one syllable....either way this thread is more fun than the ashtray one, eh? Lemme try again. Salsa car, full bling. If she hugs her Prius hard. Does it love her back? Peace, Paul
Paul says fuel is one. But I say fuel is two. Am I a redneck? I can only offer this: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=fuel Yes! Beats the ashtray thread all to hell! :wink: