Does the Prius come with jumper cables? Is it worth it to purchase the extra Emergency Kit Toyota offers?
It does not come with jumper cables. With my experiance, i would say not to purchase the emergency kit.
I had the first person ask me to jump them. I was bad... very bad. I asked him how his Suburban would handle 500 volts DC. If it had not been a full sized mega Suburban I would not have been tempted. I did tell him to call the hospital security people they have a truck with a jumper plug on the front bumper. I did to my credit hang until they came and jumped him.
I've done one jumpstart from the Prius using the jump terminal on the front of the car. Just have to tell the other driver to NOT crank their car over while it's connected to prevent blowing the fuse in the Prius. Basically you just have to connect the other guy's battery up to the Prius using the jump terminal, then wait 10-15 min for it to recharge the other guy's battery. It's not a "fast" jump, but it works. Dave
I was asked for a jumpstart once. I just told them that this car is different and has no alternator, and therefore cannot provide a jumpstart. Had I known that I could have recharged his battery for him in 15 minutes I would have told him the same. I don't think you could get at the 500 v. circuit even if you wanted to without some serious modification. However, since the 12 v. battery in the Prius is so small, it would be a good idea to have jumper cables if you are the sort of person who leaves lights or other accessories on and drains the battery. It takes very little power at 12 v. to boot the computer, and once you're in Ready mode the big battery takes over the charging of the little one.
When you consider all the electronics in the Prius, and how expensive it could get if you fried something, it makes sense to invest in one of those booster boxes. I got a 600A one from Canadian Tire on sale for $89. Even with a regular car, I'm leery of giving a boost. You really put a lot of stress on your alternator. The emergency booster box is a safe and guilt-free way to help out.
I guess that I could not get at the 500v and also it is AC not DC but it was more impressive the other way. As I said I was being bad. I have been told that with modern cars jumping can be dangerous to the computer if you develope a voltage spike during the process and fry the computer. Also the person involved was not supposed to be in the parking lot in question in the first place and having the security people read him out was worth the price of admission.
if i rember right if you jump someone off (car that is) that for some reason you are just using the 12 volt and the manual does not recommend it. i still like using the answer of well, sir if i use over 200 volts ill launch your car to the moon! (sounds good anyway) im sorry to be such a bad human being but i dont think my prius is good for jump starting.
You're only using 12 volts because your "jumper" terminals are connected to the 12-v. system of your Prius. However, the Prius has no alternator, and you are connecting your tiny 12-v. battery to the other car's humungous 12-v. battery. Not something I'm willing to do, consider the fried-computer issues mentioned above.
AND, at least in my personal experience, the only way to get the other really dead car to start, was to race the jumping car's engine some to boost the alternator output. Not something I'm doing in my Prius, it wouldn't do any good anyway.
Right, wouldn't do any good because you don't have a traditional alternator. The 12V comes from 202V system through a DC-DC converter. It will deliver its full current, ICE running or not. As for 500V, from the booster it is DC. The motors are three phase AC, each phase controlled by transisters that can provide the + or - side of the 500V DC to any leg.
This is all very good info (typical of PriusChat folk). Particularly since I've used my jumper cables more for getting other people cars to start instead of mine. I guess that now I'll have to give them a choice: I can recharge the battery, but it'll take 15 minutes; or I can call a tow truck. Or I could be a snot I could tell them that the matter/anti-matter drive on the Prius isn't compatible with their 20th century technology. Chris
:lol: LOL You forgot the dilithium crystals we must work that into the interaction. :mrgreen: I'm a Hybrid gotta love me! :mrgreen:
No. The rest of the world has no idea what a Prius is. When a person is stranded with a dead battery, don't give him a flippant answer from popular fantasy. Either give him a jump, if you're willing to take the chance of frying your several-thousand-dollar computer, or explain that the Prius has no alternator and only a low-current 12-v. system and cannot give jumpstarts. Offer to phone a tow-truck if you have a cell phone.
I was finally able to try out my Canadian Tire booster box early this morning. A frail-looking old fellow was dead (His CAR was dead, not him) on a narrow side-street next to my condo. You know the drill, hood up, lights dim, starter clicking, etc etc. I stopped and got the booster box out. I had just checked its charge over the weekend and even plugged it in overnight. I hooked it up, waited 20 secs, and told the old fellow to try it. His starter quickly cranked and the old Ford fired right up. He was very grateful, I shook hands with the old guy, and drove off. Maybe 5 mins of my time? So the booster box is a GREAT way to offer assistance without worrying about your car. Though it does drain the booster box quite a bit, over half according to the LED. I've got it plugged in under my desk right now to charge. Watch if I don't forget about it and leave it at the office ...
I paid $2600 for a new computer on my Izusu pickup after giving a guy a boost. And he didn't offer to pay. I don't boost anybody. Sorry