The Prius still beat it out for European Car of the Year
This is an advert running in the UK at the moment. I've got to tip my hat to the 3D animators though - they appear to have worked very hard to come up with a plausible robot shape that can still physically manage the dance routine they captured off a human. If you look carefully, you'll see how the headlights have to temporarily swing up out of the way to accomodate the dancer's high arm movements. Nice touch.
Come on, guys, this is nothing. I saw a red semi truck do this as it was rolling down the road the other day. It was red, with a flat front, and a gray trailer. The license plate was O PRIME. It was a sight to behold. The really strange thing was that the trailer seemed to disappear as it transformed... ;-) Nate
Citroen rarely scores better than average in customer reliability and satisfaction surveys. I think the car was doing a “break†dance.
Now wait just a doggone minute....that looks an awful lot like an '04/'05 Prius. What am I missing here? Granted, I haven't seen any Citroen in south Mississippi in the last 10-20 years, but still...?
"rarely better than average"? Never, I should say. The C5 has got to be the worst Citroen ever built due to so many computer malfunctions in it. During the time we had it rented I don't think there was a single time that passed without warning messages, blinking lights and real problems, like failing to shift from 3rd to 2nd gear. We did take it back but were told that the other car available (also a C5) was being serviced. I wonder why... Never a C5. They are being sold used less than 2 years old at less than 50% price of a new one. Boris
OMG... that's great. This is totally going into my commericals folder. Yes, I'm a dork...I like to keep copies of interesting commericals and ad campaigns.