Thanks to this site and it's members for all the info. You helped me net a new Prius (w/ leather) with 1 mile on the odometer at a fair deal after 3 months of research mostly here. Gadget heaven! I do have one concern, or maybe just my obsessiveness. I have the touring model that came with Bridgestone Turanza's 195/55/R16. I come from a 2006 Toyo Tacoma 4x4. To me, the ride in the Prius seems noisy and rough on not so smooth roads and that kind of shocked me coming from a 4x4. Is this me being used to trucks with off-road suspension and sitting up higher off the road or would it make a considerable difference opting for a quieter/ more comfortable tire? Will the Turanza's quiet down after some mileage? I will say the Turanza's handle very well in both wet and dry. And now instead of 18MPG in the Tacoma I have averaged 46.3MPG over my first 100 miles! I'm happy
I can't seem to locate them in my size. Did they stop making them in 195/55/R16 or can I use a different size?
The touring model Prius has a stiffer suspension, so in buying that model you asked for a firmer ride. Also, I find with any Prius, road noise is more noticeable than with a heavy, sound dampened car. The Prius doesn't have a lot of sound dampening material, but the Prius doesn't make a lot of noise on its own, so if you drive over a smooth road with good tires, it's very quiet, but over a textured road it can be quiet loud. Tom
Hmmm, I don't know if they were ever made in that size to be honest...most of us just have the old 15" rims, I just assumed they'd make them in a 16" size that would fit.
The Prius is the QUIETEST car I've ever owned. My cars have mostly been sporty, compact cars, and a few Mustangs. I don't get the noise complaints that appear here so much. Its also my first automatic, and first 4 door. Its amazing that your Prius is louder than a 4 X $ pick-up!
I think a big part of it, is that the road noise is more noticeable because the rest of the car is so quiet. On my WRX, you'd never know the car even had tires rob
I would say that my FJ is hands down far better ride comfort than my Prius. To me, the Prius always did seem to ride on the stiff side, but so do a lot of cars now. I've had Corolla, Yaris, Camry, and Avalon service loaners, and only the Avalon had IMHO a nice plush ride A stiff suspension is fine on smooth roads. Hit rough pavement or washboardy gravel roads, the Prius really vibrates and is harsh. Around a corner, the car will then skate around In Winnipeg it's easy to find a major road in very bad shape. Drive West on Dugald, between Plesis and Lagimodiere, about every 20 ft or so are sharp ridges across the road. Almost like washboardy texture, except on pavement The FJ has no problem soaking up those imperfections, the Prius dances in terror over them. I generally avoid such roads in the Prius now that I have the FJ. For the same reason I now take the FJ to the hobby farm, never the Prius. They recently started logging on Crown land around 5km from my place, and the truck traffic on that gravel sideroad is creating washboardy, potholed, deeply rutted problems The FJ has no problem over such roads, the Prius will actually scrape sometimes. So I prefer to let the FJ do what it was engineered to do. As far as tire choices, the OEM tires for the Prius really suck on snow and *especially* on slush and ice. You can pry my studded winter tires off my cold dead fingers
my 08 touring with same tires rides wonderfully quiet and smooth. a little harsher than the standard prius, but i expected that due to the touring suspension, perhaps you are expecting something the touring prius isnt.
There are not a lot of tires available in the Touring's OEM 195/55/16 size. You will have more variety of tires, including the ComforTred, available in the wider 205/55/16 size. I know that several Touring owners have gone to the 205/55/16 size. There have been several recent threads here about the Touring's tires. You may want to take a look at this one: Good luck.
your tacoma would have a 75-series tire that has almost double the amount of impact-absorbing air than the 55-series tire of the touring. if you think that's rough I sometimes put 215/40-18 tires in the summer for looks, now 40-series is a really rough ride. my last oil change at my dealership was the 1st time i saw the touring. the larger spoiler & wheels are gorgeous. i personally removed my ugly trim rings on my 15" prius wheels, but i couldn't help but notice that the 16" touring wheel is actually graphite in color and there is a silver wheel cover covering the whole wheel. depending on what color prius you bought you might consider removing the silver plastic wheel covers & showing off that graphite wheels underneath, this would give you an awesome 'aftermarket' look this summer. did you get barcelona red? before 2007 the only attractive prius color was seaside blue (lucky me!!!), I didn't like the dark salsa red, the beige, gray, silver & white are boring, and the gorgeous black would show off too many scratches & chips after a couple of years. But I saw a a barcelona red touring model & my jaw dropped, it was so beautiful. i only wish the touring model could have the nav w/o the leather. who wants freezing leather in the winter & scalding leather in the summer (especially with no moonroof to vent the heat), I used to think nav systems were stupid till I drove through missouri fog so thick i could only see 10 feet in front of my car. I zoomed in & used my nav to see the road curves to drive like a submarine, it also worked well in a michigan snow storm. to conclude, be grateful you got a touring model, especially if its barcelona red, so just deal with the harsher ride and know that you have a stylish, practial, extremely eco-friendly car. & if you want the smoother non-touring model, lets trade!!!!
Wow thx for all the replies. Maybe I didn't make myself very clear...but I love the car. Was just wondering about the noise and if my OEM tires were partly the cause. Tom: I did know about the stiffer suspension...I test drove both 1224 and 1226 models. And yes, the prius itself makes very little noise. Maybe that's why I notice more road noise. subarutoo: Not really complaining...just curious on other experiences with noise and the Turanza's . I thought the same thing about being louder than my 4x4, but it is (interior noise at highway speeds). The benefits of the Prius far outweigh my obsessiveness with noise though heh. miscrms: I think you have hit the nail on the head jayman: thanks for the info! lefat1: not at all just getting opinions. What tires do you have? Boo: I was wondering about the bigger (205) size and hear incredible praise on the ComforTreads. I will definitely look into that in the future. Think the 205's will give me a major hit in mpg? And thank you cnschult: Your correct the touring is hot I really am liking it. So I can remove the plastic wheel cover? I knew the non touring plastic things could be taken off, but not the touring. Very cool thx! I got Silver....Silver seems to stay clean looking for so long even after a long time without washing and I like silver as well. I got leather mainly for 1 dog much easier to keep clean and vacuuming hair that has worked it's way into fabric seats is a worthless cause . I'm very grateful...and I look forward every time I know I have to drive somewhere. I doubt that feeling will leave me anytime soon. I've said it many times, but must reiterate...Thank all of you and this forum.
My guess is that you will take a minor hit in mpg because of the wider thread and higher rolling resistance (I assume the Turanza El400-02 has a lower rolling resistance than the ComforTreds). BTW, if you want to see how your Turanza El400-02 tires stack up against other standard touring all season tires, you might want to look at this Tire Rack customer survey: I think the survey is interesting. Though the Turanza El400-02 is ranked pretty low (#21 out of 24), its scores for noise and comfort are considered "good" (but most of the tires surveyed rank higher in these categories too).