I did it. I'm now the proud owner of a new 2008 Spectra Blue Prius! It is so SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! Gorgeous color!! I feel the envy of everyone I pass. I have yet to see another one like it in this shade in my neighborhood of the SF Valley/Burbank area. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! This forum has been in a big part of helping me jump into the pool!
Santa brought me an iPhone, so I had to get a car to go with it. Granted, I didn't get a pack#5, but I am getting a Parrot CK3100 installed in about two weeks, so I'll let you all know how well it works. The great thing is I only work 3.5 miles from work, and rarely get on a freeway. So I'm expecting to save about $100 in gas a month (was driving a Jeep Wrangler which I LOVE.... very hard giving that reliability up!) But I am sooo in love with my PRIUS! I was looking at white and Silver Pine Mica, but when I saw the Spectra (cobalt) Blue Mica...... it was amore. Shiny. Love my shiny car.
Sweet! You know not to second guess the fuel gauge, right? Reading and following the owner's manual and the scheduled maintenance guide avoids trouble and expense.
One of my wife's co-workers (Woodland Hills) bought a new blue one, but I've never seen one on the road on my 500 mile a week LA commutes. I saw one on the lot at Hamer a few weeks ago. Have fun, welcome to the growing crowd.
That will be the big change for me. My Wrangler (which should have mud permanently embedded into the paint, and is embarrassing to drive clean) was Khaki colored, and was cleaned only when the inside needed cleaning. however..... [Yorkshire]Spectra Blue were wanting to be clean.[/Yorkshire]
Peter: Oh no! Lois: Oh no! Meg: Oh no! Chris: Oh no! <Koolaid dude crashes through courthouse window> Koolaid dude: OH YEAH!!!!!
Re: I've drunk the Prius Koolaid™.... Congratulations! I just bought mine this week, too! Also Spectra Blue! (What a color!) It is a package #5 and I call it My Spaceship. Yesterday, while driving around town I saw about 20 priuses (didn't really count properly, but it was a record number). Mine was the only Spectra Blue one. I felt entitled to extra smugness.
I absolutely LOVE mine. Spectra Blue, too!!! I just hit 1000 miles, having it for just under a month (I commute). Its been great. Hit 50 mpg average on my way to work today & filled up for the third time. Pretty sweet! Welcome to the club/ cult. I love having the only Spectra Blue... but seeing how many people are buying them up, I am bound to see another one on the road sometime soon! We should start a club: Chicks with Spectra Blue Prii ... or something to that effect. Ideas anyone?
The SpectraBluesâ„¢ ? SpectraBlueBelles? (but that is so sexist, and exculsionary - we need our dudes....)
But SpectraBlueBelles is so clever! How about Spectra Blue Belles and Dudes? To join, you can be either a Blue Belle, or a Blue Dude. I just noticed the â„¢ in the title. LOL Maybe the non-Spectra Blue owners aren't aware that only SBM Priuses actually come with a Koolaidâ„¢ dispenser. They probably think we are speaking figuratively.
I also got mine a week ago... Silver (reflective color necessary in Florida to avoid internal temps of over 150F) 2008 Touring with #2 Package. Been driving it back and forth to work and after 185 miles, the fuel guage finally moved... Now at almost 300 miles and still reads 1/2 a tank. Does this thing EVER need fuel or does the guage lie? LOVE this vehicle, its just absofreakin awesome. Its a technogeeks dream...