Whenever I select someone to call for a split second I get a loud very audible BUZZ. The phone then functions as usual (over the bluetooth). Any suggestions on what is causing this -- and how to remove it?
I have a 2005 Prius with Motorola RAZR V3xx. I have no such problem. It is very likely your cell phone that is the culprit. Maybe it is time for a new cell phone?
I have a couple of questions... What is your phone? What is your carrier? I have a Voyager with Verizon and it doesn't have that problem (neither did the Moto e815 before that).
Its an Iphone, and I have Cingular. Anyone else know what im talking about? Or suggestions on how to fix?
I have an '05 pkg 5 paired with an iPhone and have the same issues. In fact, I just had to swap out my phone for a new one and the new one does it as well.
I've heard on a twit.tv podcast iphones occasionally buzzing. I don't own one, but I think they do that.
No activity on this thread for a while. No anwsers? I had a Treo 680. Initially no buzz, then suddenly it began to buzz (loud) after the number was selected from 1 touch, until it started to ring. I have no idea why it suddenly started. Now I have an IPhone, same effect. Loud and annoying. So it's not an IPhone issue. Ron