If you live in California but buy the Prius in another state, what (if anything) has to be done to the car, what paperwork is involved, and how much does it cost, to get the vehicle up to legal standards (emissions, etc) for California?
All Prius are sold with the California Emissions standards and are so marked. If you buy outside the state you have to register the car in CA within 20 days of bringing it into the state. But first you must have the car smog checked (I know, it's a new car, and a hybrid at that). It must be taken to a "referee" who will put the car through a few simple tests to see that it's operating as advertised (that you haven't disabled the emissions systems). The referee stations are by appointment only and are not as common as smog check stations. Then you have to take the car to the DMV to get it registered. It's a long process where you fill out a form, they look over your car (verify the VIN number you wrote on the form) and then you go inside and pay your fees. I'm pretty sure you need to show them proof of insurance at that point. If you have AAA, they may be able to take care of this step for you.
Don't forget the sales tax... California will collect the sales tax when you register the car. In the old days, you could buy a car in Oregon (no sales tax) and skate out. Not so anymore.
What if I'm buying in CA, but bringing to TX with a lower sales tax? Is there anyway to get a refund on the extra sales tax from CA? I doubt it, but it's good to ask.
Great! If you buy outside California and register the car in California, do you still get the special (extended) California warranty on the battery and emissions-related components?
Ummm, I doubt someone can get out of paying sales tax that way. If the car is bought in TX to be registered in CA, TX probably won't ask for sales tax. SC didn't bother collecting on my mom's truck before she took it home to NC for registering. And a smart state would notice a car registered for a short time in another state was being registered in theirs, and at least ask for any tax above that already paid (pay 5%, then move to 8.75%? 3.75% more due...)
I was referring to the above post, not the original poster. I was saying that if they buy in CA but are bringing the car to be registered in TX, then they will only pay TX sales tax.
I'm going through that process right now. I have an appointment with a "referee" that will smog my brand new car on March 11. It was the next time they had available. Funny that the Toyota dealer can't do it, huh? AND since I bought it in Washington, their temporary registration only lasts three days. SO, I'm currently driving unregistered but I do have an appointment...Maybe I should stop speeding on the highways? hmm... I expect to pay state sales tax on my car when I register it. Hopefully they will only tax me on the car and not the extended warranty. Also, I'm registering my car at my parents place because I'm up there so often and because Berkeley is deciding on charging residents up to $1000 a year on a car (or MOTORCYCLE!!!) registerd in the city because they want to get rid of unsightly cars on the streets. Ugh... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...BAGBA55F3R1.DTL