Yes, we are all great commuters, getting to and from work in city traffic with our 50, 60, & 70mpg tanks. But what's your longest actual highway trip on a tank? How many miles and from where to where? Boston to Buffalo? New York to Cleveland? Chicago to Kansas City? San Diego to San Francisco? Washington to Atlanta?
I love this thread. It's because seriously, the mileage-per-tank statistic isn't very tangible to most people. But I can make it more tangible by relating a couple trips I've made: One is Oakland to Carlsbad (Basically San Francisco to San Diego) Another is Hayward to Las Vegas A third is Oakland to not-quite-Portland Fourth is Hayward to South Lake Tahoe and back. That's the great thing about a Prius!
Ok so, I think this thread has a lot of potential! Currently I have driven 253.3 miles and have a little less than half a tank of gas left. Kelly and I are driving up to West Barnstable MA later on today, it's approximately a 237 mile drive, all highway, and we are going to try and make it up there on what is left. I think we will make it! Do you?
Did you ask this on another forum? I thought I had answered it somewhere else. Not that it matters; I would answer here anyway for the benefit of those here. The best all-highway tank I've gotten is on my way to Hybridfest last July from Staunton, VA (IIRC) to somewhere near the OH/IN state line along I80/I90. 571 miles, 56.34 MPG. I don't take many long highway trips, though. The HF trip is the only one I've ever done in the Prius with all-highway tanks.
well dont know, but i did drive from Olympia, WA to just past Missoula, MT. filled up in Oly, made it there, filled up for trip home, had gas left over when i got home. so that was across a pretty big state, thru another to another. so 3 states in one tank...ok, i admit, Idaho took less than a hour i think. but still, have made that trip a few times and always previously had to get gas in Issaquah (about 60-70 miles from Oly, and gas in Spokane just to make sure i could make it without having to stop at one of those "last gas station for 43 miles" places which charges 20 cpg more total trip one way was about 570 miles or so.
I went from Elkhart, IN to Madison, WI and back for Hybrid Fest this past summer. By the time I drove around a little up there and got back home, I had 642 miles and averaged 69.1 mpg. A couple of weeks before that, I went from Elkhart, IN to Sandusky, OH(Cedar Point) and back for a total of 435.5 miles and averaged 65.0 mpg.
For exactly three tanks I went from Ann Arbor (MI) to Jersey City (NJ) and back. I started the trip the day after I brought the car home. My first tank was filled by the dealer and I remember having more than 600 miles on that first tank.
my best tank was this past summer. on a trip from here to Wilmington, NC and back, with a stop over to see the family, we got 635 miles on one tank. that was while I still had the Integrities on the car, and the trip included a lot of drafting behind trucks (while my wife slept, it makes her too nervous when she's awake).
Ok, so Kelly and I bailed at 419.6 miles on that tank, we had about one hour to go until we reached our destination. Probably could have made it because when I filled up it only took 10.9 gallons, and that was after I squeezed another gallon into the car after the pump stopped on it's own. Didn't want to risk it because the meter was flashing at me and it was also 9pm and cold in MA. Walking along 95 because I ran out of gas was not my idea of fun. So we filled up. Awesome...
Does the gauge flash when the fuel is low? I never seen that. That's because I fill up at 2 bars on the gauge never less than 1 bar. I hate running out. My longest journey was from Adelaide to Port Augusta 300km away and back then 2 days to and from work before a fill up, about 740km total on one tank filling before flashing. (if it does flash)
For me, the idea that there's a "feature" that I haven't seen yet drives me crazy. I almost want to run it down to the fumes just to see the warning message.
Grunthos - Go for it. Just make sure you're in town where there are gas stations a'plenty. There are parts of Fremont, CA (a town at the border of Silicon Valley) where gas stations are banned, oddly. ~ dan ~
On my very first tank, it looks like I'm going to do about 325. Is that normal for the first tank? I have done some interstate driving going between 70 and 80...