Way cool folks! We haven't experimented with all of them yet (there are sooo many), but I noticed that when I say "theater" the AM radio comes on. When my wife says "theater" she gets the movies! Is this thing biased? So far everything else works as advertised.
"Showing sports arenas", that's the one I get, or something to that effect. It's a standard joke we have. Tom
Voice Commands are not the best implementation. Kinda hit or miss on some depending on ambient noise and clarity of pronunciation. Most annoying is "Showing ____ Icons" when you ask for something completely different. I use the NAV "Suspend Guidance" & "Resume Guidance" most often.
I've not been able to make the voice commands work reliably in the month I've owned the 08 Prius. I can say "68 degrees" and get the response that Chinese is not available in this screen. The next time I say it the exact same way it will set it correctly. Totally hit or miss. Not worth the effort when the temp setting is right under your thumb on the steering wheel.
Where can I get the list of valid voice commands and how to use them? My 07 owners manual was not very helpful in this area and I don't know how to use this feature. Thanks in advance Steve
You can go to http://john1701a.com/prius/documents/Prius_User-Guide.pdf and scroll down to page 36 for a list. I once said "I have to P*SS" and it displayed gas stations.
A while back I watched the demonstration video for the Lockpick 3 from Coastal Tech. One thing I noticed from that video, was that when he would push the "command" button, it would just beep once and wait for him to give a voice command. On my stock '08, when I push the button, I always get rather long-winded prompts telling me what to do next. Does anyone know of a quick way to eliminate those voice prompts or is that one of the functions that the Lockpick takes care of?
It's one of the settings Select "Menu->Setup" then scroll to the second page (of 3). The setting you want is called "Voice Recognition Guidance". Put that to off, and you'll just get the beep. Unfortunately, you still have to deal with voice prompts to enter addresses, though. That's a bit of a pain...