today i got caught with overspeeding, along I-90 going to boston. it is unusual because the police is riding black mustang, and i think he got pissed when i passed over. i dont realized that he is a police till he strobe and tailgate me. he give me a ticket says im running 93mph cost $280!!! this is my first time being caught.. do i need to pay the ticket or put not guilty? What is the best radar detector under $300?
You might check to see if your state allows you to go to traffic school. You would pay to go to school instead of the ticket (probably cheaper) and it wouldn't be on your record so your insurance wouldn't go up. Of course it is 8 hours of your life you'll never see again.
Of course, a radar detector wouldn't have helped you in your present situation. With that said, Rocky Mountain Radar has excellent detector/scrambler combinations available for about $300 I believe. I started with a Phantom, which I still have, and ultimately ended up wirh a RMR-C430, which has been almost flawless. I really try NOT to speed, and I use the units to protect me from speed limit changes in/out of towns/bergs where they usually set up their speed traps. For someone with a "heavy" right foot, the cops tend to not "serve and protect", they now "serve and collect". For the amount of miles I put on yearly anyway, they become nothing more than someone else like me out there on the food chain. Just about no way out of your ticket I presume, because, well, You really DID pass him, didn't you!
I got caught a few years ago the same way - unmarked car. But he clocked me, and I didn't notice I was being tailed. The State trooper that got me gave me a break by cutting the excess speed he wrote on the ticket (69), because I didn't give him any grief. I noticed later when I got home that he wrote the actual speed he got me at (78) on the bottom of the ticket, so if I tried to argue it, he would have known what speed I was actually doing that day. It's either pay it and admit guilt or go to court and convince the judge that the cop was "mistaken". I just paid the $90.00. Is it still 50.00 + 10.00 per mile beyond the first ten over the limit? Ouch. It took 6 years to get my safe driver credit back on my insurance. Ouch again. Best of luck if you decide to fight it.
to tell you honestly, im catching up with a big mass in boston because my uncle is the priest and he just invited me to attend. first time going there and no clue at the place that is why i dont even know that im running that kind of speed. im really upset and i think i might go with the ticket. less hassle...
93?! It's been my experience that any speed more than 15 MPH over the posted speed limit is considered "Reckless Driving" and can not be written off with a driving class. Good luck with that. And as KlodHopper mentioned, when you pass a cop on the interstate, there's no radar detector that's going to help you. They more than likely aren't running with it on.
LOL. But I would love to see the look on the judge's face when you tell him you were speeding to get to MASS.
definitely im not going to tell the judge about that. i know, its my fault. its just i am really upset today were driving 93mph on the Mass Pike and got busted. Pay the fine and move on with your life. You can spend $400+ on a radar detector and it won't help you even a little bit when you drive like that. Even if you don't get paced you'll probably get hit with LIDAR, which takes less than a second to get a reading. I used high-end detectors for years and I guarantee it's not worth your money. Just keep with the flow of traffic and stay the heck out of the left lane, and you'll be relatively safe from future tickets.
@brick - as im reading my ticket. you are right im hit with LIDAR! as i've search, its dead acurate...
Speed limits are there for a reason. They are not your enemy. Also, it doesn't matter to me if you are driving a Hummer or a Prius if you are speeding that much, it's just unsafe to be sharing the same road with you. Slow down!
Plus your mpg's go way down when you drive that fast. There is a stretch of I-35 between San Antonio and Laredo that has a limit of 75mph in the day. Therefore I try to make my trips to Mexico at night. 75mph puts my beloved Pri under 40mpg.
I am not sure it is safe to drive that fast in Prius. The car is not designed for high speed avoidance, it does not have sport suspension and tires are probably not rated for a sustained high speed.
im getting 33-34mpg @lazy - probably not safe. but its really comfortable and smooth. compare to other cars.
In town, get them to put in traffic light cameras. Since they've done that here the police don't give tickets anymore... the 35 mph stretch I like to p&g on now has people going 55, never a cop in sight. I know how fast they go because there's speed readout signs on the road. Of course, our rear-end accident rates have gone up at intersections because of the cameras so you need a car with a good headrest
I've been told Escort radars are pretty good.. I have a Cobra... not so good.. but no tickets yet.. I usually get up to 75mph when I'm in a hurry for whatever reason... About the speed... I've been up there and it takes a while to get there.. but try avoiding those speeds its dangerous... no matter if you have all suspension mods and brake mods... but we need the rush sometimes... I'm fighting it
Suck it up, pay the fine then display the ticket anywhere you encounter people who think Prius is a slow car. You were speeding weren't you?