I've recently picked up the new Verizon BB Pearl. Has anybody had any luck in transferring the entire address book to their Prius? I wish the Prius had an SD slot--that would make this so much easier!
I've been doing some research about the same thing. I have a BB8820 and a 2008 Prius. From my initial research, it looks like it would work with the Pearl. Here's a link from Pinstack, a great BB resource: http://blackberryforums.pinstack.com/7593-tranfer_pearl_address_book_to_prius_or_any_other_car.html And here's a .pdf from the toyota.letstalk.com site that agrees: http://toyota.letstalk.com/brands/toyota-bt/pdf/264_05Navi.pdf That Toyota site has a lot of information about Bluetooth compatibility for their vehicles. Maybe it will help out. And for the record, the toyota.letstalk site says I can't do multiple address transfers from my 8820. Boo. I hope it works for you.
hey there, Aaf709, I'm definitely aware that Verizon might be the problem here; however, this site is full of smart people, and I'm betting that someone will know how to get around their silly BT restrictions. This isn't a deal-breaker for me, phone-wise, but it sure would be nice to have all of my contacts in the Prius phonebook. And thanks for the links, hanstoppable! For some reason, the LetsTalk site doesn't even list the 8130...they only have the TMobile and AT&T versions. So I'm wondering if the software in the 3G phones could be another cause of the problem. But I'll try the Pinstack solution, and see if it works. Seriously, why don't these cards have SD slots, or at least USB drives? The Prius is such a computer, you'd think they'd make it easier for us to to geek it out!
------------------------------------- I have a 2008 Prius, pkg 6 and a BB Pearl with ATT and it works just fine in every way.